2020 Human Rights Press Awards Ceremony Postponed, Winners to be Announced May 6
2020 Human Rights Press Awards Ceremony Postponed,
Winners to be Announced May 6
(Scroll down for Chinese version)
April 1, 2020 The Human Rights Press Awards is postponing its 2020 awards ceremony to the fall. The organizers are regrettably delaying the ceremony, believing it is the most responsible course of action as a result of the coronavirus outbreak and the Hong Kong government’s advice to limit large gatherings. The winners will be announced online on May 6 as scheduled. Voting for the people’s choice photography award will also go ahead online, starting today. Those images will be displayed, as in past years, on the Wall at the FCC. It is our hope to honor the winners in all categories later this year. A new date will be announced. The Human Rights Press Awards, in their 24th year, are organised by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Hong Kong, Amnesty International Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Journalists Association. The awards are the most prestigious recognition of human rights reporting in Asia. This year we have received a record number of photography entries and an excellent variety of powerful writing – work that highlights crucial issues facing individuals and communities in what has been an extraordinary year for world news. Showcasing these works has become more important than ever as governments around the region step up threats to basic freedoms of the press, speech and expression. For further information of the awards, please visit: |
二零二零年人權新聞獎頒獎禮延期舉行 得獎名單將於5月6日公佈
2020年4月1日 因應新型冠狀病毒疫情持續,香港政府進一步限制人群聚集的活動,人權新聞獎籌委會宣佈,2020年人權新聞獎頒獎禮將延至秋季舉行。 我們期望今年稍後日子,舉辦頒獎禮表揚人權新聞奬所有組別的得獎者,確實日期容後公佈。得獎名單將如期於5月6日在網上公佈;「一人一票最佳新聞圖片獎」則於今日開放予公眾投票,相關新聞圖片作品將於香港外國記者會展出。 人權新聞獎由香港外國記者會、國際特赦組織香港分會及香港記者協會合辦,以表彰亞洲區的卓越人權新聞報道,今年已是第二十四屆。 今屆我們收到破紀錄的參賽新聞圖片數目以及題材廣泛的優秀新聞作品,報道世界各地發生的重大新聞事件,紀錄這不平凡的一年。 近年亞洲區內多個政府對基本人權包括出版自由、新聞自由及表達自由之侵害變本加厲,令舉辦此獎項以表揚優秀的人權新聞,更形重要。 詳情請瀏覽新聞獎官方網站: |