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Applications for FCC Board of Governors

Applications for FCC Board of Governors


To all members


The closing date for nominations to the FCC’s Board of Governors is Wednesday April 1 at 6pm. In spite of the disruption caused by the coronavirus, we intend to keep to that schedule.


You have all been mailed details of the positions, who may vote for each, and a nomination form.


However we understand that not all members who wish to stand want, or are able, to visit the club to hand in the form before then – or to meet people to get the signatures.


For those who wish to stand and who cannot make it to the club before the deadline, please email the following four pieces of information to [email protected] by noon on Wednesday 1 April and the club will ensure that two members sign your nomination form.


As the nominee, you do not need to actually sign the form yourself.

We do encourage members to run for the board and we are actively seeking nominations.






Membership number


Position you are running for



FCC Announces Changes in Operation Starting Friday 27 March

FCC Announces Changes in Operation Starting Friday 27 March

The Board of Governors of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong has approved additional measures to protect the health and safety of the club’s staff, members and guests. These are in keeping with, and go beyond, the Chief Executive’s announcement earlier this week of measures to try to contain a second wave of the coronavirus outbreak in Hong Kong.Starting Friday, March 27, upon opening, the club will for the foreseeable future implement the following measures:

* Reduce the club’s hours of operation – from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
* Allow only one guest per member at all times
* Close Bert’s
* Increase distance between tables and visitors and promote social distancing including at the Main Bar
* Cancel all banqueting until further notice
* Expand takeout and delivery options
* Continue to keep the gym closed per the government’s regulations regarding changing rooms
* Continue the check-in, temperature taking and declaration measures upon entry to the club
* Continue enhanced and frequent cleaning protocols throughout the club

These measures will allow us to continue to serve our members, which is important as we are a professional club that supports members in their working lives, as well as providing a social venue. Many members are working journalists, including freelancers, who depend on the facilities in a professional capacity and need to continue to conduct interviews.

We do not underestimate the gravity of the health situation facing Hong Kong and strongly believe that these enhanced measures will allow us to better protect the health and safety of staff, members and guests, while allowing us to keep open the club that forms a vital function for working journalists. These measures go beyond the government guidelines. If those guidelines or the situation in Hong Kong changes, our plans can and will be revised accordingly.

Thank you.

26 March 2020



FCC to Close Gym Effective March 24, Seeking Clarification on How Other Measures Will Affect the Club

FCC to Close Gym Effective March 24, Seeking Clarification on How Other Measures Will Affect the Club

The FCC will close its gym at 10 p.m. Tuesday March 24, adhering to a measure announced by Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Monday requiring that all private clubs with changing room facilities should close such facilities to reduce social contact.

The FCC’s management and board is seeking clarification from the government – the club’s landlord – to determine how other provisions including a possible suspension of liquor licenses in Hong Kong’s bars, restaurants and clubs may affect the FCC’s operations. Members will be advised once that information is available.

Thank you.



FCC Announces Expanded Travel Disclosure Requirements Starting Thursday 19 March

FCC Announces Expanded Travel Disclosure Requirements Starting Thursday 19 March


Starting Thursday 19 March, we will ask that people do not come to the club within 14 days of arriving in Hong Kong from overseas. This is in keeping with new Hong Kong government guidelines requiring that people arriving in the city from any foreign country must self-quarantine for 14 days.


Amid the coronavirus outbreak, the FCC has been updating measures to ensure the health and safety of members and staff including screening temperatures and requiring all members and guests to note their recent travel histories at the reception desk.


We also ask that guests and members use their best judgment and not visit the club if they are feeling unwell or if they have been in contact with someone who has been confirmed to have the virus, in order to ensure the health and safety of others.


Thank you.


21 March 2020


FCC to Reopen March 13, Announces Enhanced Travel Disclosure Plans

FCC to Reopen March 13, Announces Enhanced Travel Disclosure Plans

The FCC will reopen as scheduled on Friday 13th March. The deep cleaning of the club has been completed and we would like to thank members for their support and understanding during this period. The Club looks forward to welcoming back members and all programmed events will take place as scheduled.

Amid the coronavirus, the FCC will continue with measures to ensure the health and safety of our members and staff including screening temperatures and requiring all members and guests to check in and note their recent travel histories.

Based on World Health Organization and Hong Kong government guidance, in addition to mainland China, we will now ask that members who have been to the following locations in the past 14 days do not enter the club. This includes Italy; Hokkaido, Japan; Seattle, Washington; South Korea; Iran; France; Germany and Spain. This list may change as the path of the virus shifts.

Additionally, any guests or members who have recently visited other hot spots for coronavirus around the world should not visit the club within 14 days of their trip to ensure the health and safety of others.

Thank you.
12 March 2020


FCC to Close Until March 13 For Deep Cleaning Amid Coronavirus

FCC to Close Until March 13 For Deep Cleaning Amid Coronavirus

The club has been informed today that an FCC member has been confirmed as having the coronavirus and was hospitalized on Friday 6 March.

He last visited the club 19 days ago, using the main lounge at lunchtime on February 20. Out of an abundance of caution, we are closing the club for a deep cleaning from tonight and reopening on Friday.

The club will be closed from 6pm Tuesday 10, reopening as normal on Friday 13 March.

The health and safety of our members and staff, as well as their comfort and confidence, is our priority and we believe these measures are an appropriate response.

We are communicating with FEHD and other relevant government agencies.

Our affected member was reported to be in a stable condition. He was quarantined Thursday 5 March after a close family member tested positive for the virus. We wish him and his family a speedy recovery and our thoughts are with them.

The club has already introduced several measures to ensure the health of our members and staff, including screening visitors’ temperatures, checking recent travel histories and asking people who’ve visited specific places to self-quarantine  for 14 days. We will continue to review those procedures as the situation evolves.

For members with further questions, the club will operate a hotline – 2521 1511 – between 9am and 9pm from Wednesday through Friday.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the club on Friday.


Invitation for Tender: Book Editor/ Project Manager


Invitation for Tender:

Book Editor/ Project Manager


Contract period: Approximately 6 months


Deadline for tender: 31 March 2020


Role Description


The Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC) is seeking a temporary Editor to act as Project Manager for a commemorative book chronicling the Club’s nearly 75-year history in Hong Kong, from the time the first batch of foreign correspondents relocated from China in 1949 to the present. This is a temporary position and can be done part time as long as the project is completed in the agreed time frame. The Editor must have the skills to see the project through from inception to completion.


The FCC envisions the book to primarily consist of photographs; some short written vignettes by former and current members around a common theme (such as “My Favourite FCC Memory”/ FCC conversations); and a review of past memorable events using all the back issues of The Correspondent Magazine as the key resource. Much of the work would consist of creatively deciding and outlining the theme and optimal length for the vignettes; identifying and commissioning others to write the vignettes; pouring through back issues of The Correspondent; and identifying the best photographs to illustrate the rich history of the Club. The Editor is responsible for securing all requisite photo approvals. The Editor is not required to do any of the writing, but would be responsible for assuring accuracy, standards and editorial consistency for all articles and captions. The Editor need not be a professional proofreader and can request funding for a proofreader near the completion date. The Editor is responsible for all editorial content, but not design.


Duties and Responsibilities


  • To manage the book project from start to finish
  • To present the creative vision for the final project and a realistic timetable for completion
  • To identify, locate and commission past and current FCC members to write short stories.
  • To personally review back issues of The Correspondent Magazine to ensure that key Club events and highlights are reflected in the book






The Ideal Candidate


  • Familiarity with the FCC, its history, and some of its past most memorable personalities
  • Creative thinker able to conceptualise the final project and bring it to completion
  • Good organisational skills, detail oriented and excellent time management abilities
  • Good interpersonal skills to cajole contributors to write, and then chase them up on deadline
  • Past experience as an editor or writer, or working on a book or similar sized project
  • A good sense of humour, ability to troubleshoot with a smile, no drama


Reports To:  The Communications Committee or its designated representative


Summary of Book Design


A portable contemporary in style look and feel sized book (EG: A5) of approximately 200 pages, largely pictorial. Out in print and on sale by 2023 with a preview book launch at the FCC on the cusp of its 75 YR anniversary EG: in the autumn of 2023.


Interested parties please submit your tender & a copy of your business registration before the deadline to:


North Block

2 Lower Albert Road

Central HK


Any questions please contact our Administration Department Ms Joanne Chung at (tel) 2844 2830 or (email) [email protected].


FCC Communications Committee

Coronavirus: FCC events update

Coronavirus: FCC events update

Given the situation in Hong Kong with the outbreak of the coronavirus, the FCC is postponing its annual journalism conference from March until the autumn, and a networking evening for early career journalists scheduled for February 11. We will monitor the situation and announce new dates in due course.


Precautionary Measures against Novel Coronavirus

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