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The Foreign Correspondents’ Club Awards Clare Hollingworth Fellowships

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club Awards Clare
Hollingworth Fellowships
Amy Sood
Amy Sood is joining AFP after recently earning her master’s degree from the University of Hong Kong’s journalism program. She has previously interned with CNN and NBC News.
Hillary Leung
Hillary Leung is an Associate Editor at Coconuts Hong Kong, where she covers everything from politics to social issues. She was previously a reporter for TIME magazine and an intern at news verification agency Storyful.
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong is pleased to announce that it has chosen Amy Sood and Hillary Leung as recipients of the third annual Clare Hollingworth Fellowship, named in honor of the preeminent and path-breaking journalist.
The panel of judges noted the winners offer clear potential as future leaders both within the FCC and the wider Hong Kong journalism community.
The Fellowship is focused on early-career journalists and current journalism school students in Hong Kong.
The open competition drew significant interest from a cross spectrum of applicants. The adjudicators noted the high standard of applicants and encouraged all to apply again next year.
For further information on the Clare Hollingworth Fellowship, please visit

FCC Influenza Vaccination 2021

FCC Influenza Vaccination 2021
Dear Members,

All FCC staff will participate in an influenza immunization programme in October 2021. The vaccination will be administered by a registered doctor from a reputable clinic in Central.

There will be 50 doses available for FCC members on specific dates at a discount price HK$220.

Anyone who is interested please complete the reply slip and reserve with the FCC concierge at (tel) 2521 1511, (fax) 2868 4092 or (email) [email protected] on or before Thursday, October 7, 2021.

  1. The influenza vaccine is only available for the child above 6 months.
  2. Any person who is hypersensitive to egg protein, suffer from acute severe febrile illness or previous severe allergic reaction to flu vaccine etc. is not suitable to take the influenza vaccine.
  3. The influenza vaccine can only be taken after the completion of 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines, and that 14 days have passed from the date of receiving the 2nd dose.
  4. Most people achieve protection from influenza vaccine approximately 2-3 weeks after receiving the immunization, so travelers should allow adequate time for vaccination before departure.
  5. It is recommended to consult your personal doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking the vaccine.
  6. Confirmation will be sent to you once your booking is accepted. If you do not receive a confirmation within two working days, please contact our Concierge.
  7. The amount shown below will charge to your FCC membership account in November 2021.
  8. Booking period: October 11–22, 2021 (Weekdays, 10am-12nn; 2:30pm-5pm / Saturday, 10am-12nn / Sunday & Public holiday will be closed)
Click here to download the form

Moving to “Type D” — Bringing Back Live Events

Moving to “Type D” — Bringing Back Live Events
Dear Fellow Members,
I’m pleased to be able to report to you that the Club is running smoothly since we moved to the government’s “Type C” category on July 1. The success is because of all of you and the broad cooperation we have received. And I’m also happy to report that all of our staff have completed the vaccine program. You will have noticed that the Club has been full and buzzing of late.
As the next step, we are planning next week to move forward to “Type D” category, which means bringing back live events like our regular Club luncheon speakers, live music in Bert’s, our popular film nights, and of course banqueting at full capacity — all to bring back more of the atmosphere and buzz that has made the Club such a magnet for us all.
Starting from Monday August 2, we will go to “Type D” category upstairs on the first floor and downstairs in Bert’s. With this move, we will be able to operate those venues at 100% capacity and with 12 people seated together at a table.
Please note: those venues will continue to operate under “Type C” when there are no private functions or Club events, but will temporarily shift to “Type D” during events. To operate those facilities under “Type D”, some further steps are needed from all of us planning to attend events.
What is “Type D” operation?
Mandatory use of “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app
At least two-thirds of the total number of participants must have received the first vaccine jab and can show proof (through a QR code or on paper).
Capacity up to 100%
Maximum 12 persons per table
Please be aware that use of the “LeaveHomeSafe” app is a government requirement, and anyone not using it faces a $5000 fine. There is no exception for not having a smartphone. The only exception is for visitors under the age of 16, and those 65 or older, who will be allowed fill out a form. Individuals – that is, members and their guests – bear responsibility for using the app. In case of an inspection and a fine being issued, the Club is not responsible.
I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and willingness to adapt to these varying restrictions and regulations. And I will of course be in touch if anything changes as we monitor the situation and follow the government’s announcements.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you around the Main Bar.
Keith Richburg
27 July 2021

FCC Minimum Spend

Please be advised that FCC Minimum Spend, which was rolled over from March, will now appear on members' June statements which will be sent in early July. We are hopeful that current restrictions will be eased in the coming weeks allowing for greater enjoyment of the Club, with a return of popular events such as guest speaker lunches, quiz night, increased banqueting options and longer opening hours. Please remember the minimum spend can be used for the club's extensive take-away menu, including drinks. Additionally, vouchers equivalent to any outstanding minimum spend can be purchased and will be valid for use through to September 2021.
23 June 2021

The Club is moving to “Type C” under “Vaccine Bubble” on July 1

The Club is moving to “Type C” under “Vaccine Bubble” on July 1
Dear Fellow Members,
I am pleased to be able to share with you some encouraging news.
More than 90% of our FCC staff have so far begun their vaccinations, including those who are medically exempted. Such a high rate will soon allow the Club to gradually increase our operations as we work to return to something more like our pre-pandemic ‘normal’.
Our next goal is to move to the government’s “Type C” category, which will allow us greater operating flexibility. We will do this effective July 1. Please note: this requires action from members as well as staff.
“Type C” will enable us to increase table size to six persons from the four allowed under our current Type B category, and to extend the closing time from 10pm until midnight. We hope to expand operations further over the next few months.
To get to “Type C”, all of our staff must have received at least first dose of a vaccine. We’re confident we will manage this by the end of June.
The change for members is that they and their guests will have to use the government’s Leave Home Safe app to visit the Club. This is a government stipulation and those who do not do so face a $5000 fine. There is no exception for not having a smartphone. The only exception is for visitors under the age of 16, and those 65 or older, who can still fill out a paper form.
Please be aware that individuals – that is, members and their guests – bear responsibility for using the app, not the Club, in case of an inspection and a fine being issued.
We’re looking forward to welcoming more members back to the Club under “Type C” and also to bringing back more of the atmosphere and buzz that make the Club such a magnet for us all. These measures will also go some way to reducing the financial deficit caused by the restrictions associated with the pandemic.
I expect that in early August, we will be able to go further still and move the first floor to Type D. That would mean the Main Dining Room, the Verandah as well as the Hughes and Burton Rooms could operate with 8 people per table and stay open until 2am. They will also be allowed to have events and functions for up to 100 people. For that to happen, all members using that floor will need to have had at least their first vaccination, or bring a medical exemption certificate along with a negative result from a Covid test taken in the last three days.
We’ll update you on our progress towards that goal in the coming weeks. We plan that the Main Bar and Lounge as well as Bert’s, will continue to operate under “Type C” even if the first floor goes to Type D.
These are important milestones in our efforts to return to normality and improve the Club’s financial performance and they can be met only with your cooperation and support. Thank you!
Keith Richburg
根據政府規例,會員和賓客必須使用「安心出行」進入本會,而該程式需在智能電話下載。若違反規定,可處定額罰款5,000元。至於未滿16 歲,及65歲或以上則可選擇填顧客資料記錄表。
預計8月初開始,一樓樓層將進一步轉換到D類的運作模式,即Main Dining Room、Verandah、名仕閣和漾馨廳可以每枱最多8人,營業時間延長至凌晨2時,宴會人數上限亦可增至100人。為此,所有會員和賓客必須已接種第一劑疫苗,或因健康理由不適合接種者需出示醫生證明書及宴會前3日內檢測結果呈陰性證明。
在未來數星期,我們會定期向大家更新營運進度。儘管一樓樓層轉換到D類的運作模式, Main Bar、Lounge和Bert’s會繼續在C類的模式下運作。


Applications open until July 14, 2021
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, is accepting applications for the Clare Hollingworth
Fellowship, named after the preeminent and path-breaking journalist.
The Clare Hollingworth Fellowship will honour early career journalists and current journalism school
students in Hong Kong. Journalists and journalism students from all fields of professional study are eligible.
Benefits include full membership, complimentary access to events and networking opportunities. Applications close on July 14. The fellowship will run for one calendar year, 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2022.
Please spread the word and forward to friends and colleagues.
For more details on how to apply, visit our website.

FCC Clare Hollingworth Fellowship – Applications Open

The Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents’ Club is accepting applications for the Clare Hollingworth Fellowship, named after the preeminent and path-breaking journalist.

Clare HollingworthMs. Hollingworth had a remarkable career as a foreign correspondent with the scoop of the century as a 27-year-old when she reported on Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939. Ms. Hollingworth was also a treasured member of the FCC for more than 40 years who made significant contributions to the intellectual and professional life of the FCC.

The Hollingworth Fellowship will honour early career journalists and current journalism school students in Hong Kong. Journalists and journalism students from all fields of professional study are eligible. Applications close on 14 July. The fellowship will run for one calendar year, 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2022.


Overview of key features of the fellowship:

  • Complimentary access to all FCC professional talks, official gatherings and conferences (subject to pandemic restrictions);
  • Unlimited access to the FCC facilities including the gym and workroom;
  • FCC monthly dues and the membership fee are waived for the fellowship period; and
  • Networking opportunities with senior newsroom leaders


For details on past fellows, please see below:

  1. Jennifer Creery and Tiffany Liang
  2. Mary Hui and Jessie Pang


Fellows Requirements and Expectations

  • Fellow to produce and contribute a piece in their field for the FCC (e.g. long-form article for the FCC magazine, The Correspondent (see examples here and here); photographic exhibition for the Bar, video piece for the website) and
  • Fellow will help to present FCC virtual speaker events and assist in the organization of virtual and in person events for journalists. Past FCC Journalism Conference keynote speakers include Maria Ressa, Co-founder and CEO of Rappler; Jean H. Lee, Director, Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars and Pulitzer-nominated veteran foreign correspondent and expert on North Korea; Nicole Tung, a Turkey-based photographer and winner of the James Foley Award for conflict reporting.
  • Fellow will actively contribute to the intellectual and professional life of the FCC.


Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must meet all of the following criteria to apply:

  • At least two years’ journalism experience with a proven track record of developing stories in any sector or medium. Applications are welcome from candidates from foreign news organisations as well as local news organisations in Hong Kong.
  • Be 30 years of age or under at the date that the fellowship begins.
  • Be a resident of Hong Kong at the time of application and a resident of Hong Kong for the duration of the Fellowship.


Application Process and Material

Applicants are required to submit the following for their application in English language by 14 July, 2021. Only chosen candidates will be notified by writing. Late or incomplete applications will not be permitted. All files must be submitted in either PDF or MS Word format to [email protected] with the subject line as follows Attn: first name/last name of applicant, Clare Hollingworth Fellowship application:

  • Two pieces of published work, or in the case of a journalism student, two essays at no more than 2000 words each.
  • A 500-word statement of intent for the piece that the Fellow will contribute to the FCC.
  • Please send via post two sealed written references from suitable referees, e.g. senior editor or journalism school dean again with the same subject line: Attn: first name / last name of applicant, Clare Hollingworth Fellowship application. The reference letters should be sent to The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, North Block, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong. When submitting your application, please note in the covering email that the references have been sent via post. Reference letters should specify how long the referee has known the applicant and in what capacity, comments on the applicant’s potential to make an impact in the field of journalism, and any relevant prior experience.
  • Recent resume of no more than 2 pages.
  • Provide a valid HKID card number.

FCC Board of Governors 2021-2022 Election Result

Congratulations to the new FCC Board of Governors for 2021-2022. They will begin serving after the Annual General Meeting on May 25.

We would like to thank the outgoing Board members for their service.

The new Board members are listed below.


Keith Richburg


Hannamiina Tanninen


Tim Huxley


Lucy Colback
Jennifer Hughes
Kristie Lu Stout
Iain Marlow
Shai Oster
Austin Ramzy
Dan Strumpf
Eric Wishart


Clifford Buddle
Zela Chin


Genavieve Alexander
Liu Kin-ming
Christopher Slaughter
Richard David Winter

Update of COVID-19 “Vaccine Bubble”

Update of COVID-19 “Vaccine Bubble”
Dear Members,
I wanted to give you an update on where we stand regarding vaccinations since the government introduced its “bubble” program to incentivise people to get inoculated.
We are currently operating what is referred to as Type B catering premises, which means only four allowed to a table and the Club must close at 2200hrs. (Detailed club measures can be found here). To seat larger groups and have longer operating hours under Type C — as well as to increase the capacity for private functions under Type D — our entire Club community will need to play a part. This means everyone getting vaccinated. It will also mean everyone using the Leave Home Safe app as required by the government rules. These steps will allow the Club to gain the most and bring us back to financial stability, which is crucial for our long term future.
The Club has already been encouraging our staff to get vaccinated and supporting them in doing so. Our General Manager this month sent a personal letter to staff sharing his vaccination experience and followed it with a town hall with staff on May 14th. On May 25th and Jun 3rd, we have invited all staff to attend a Covid-19 vaccine talk conducted by a doctor, where concerns and questions can be addressed. HR is talking with those staff who have serious concerns.
With all of this, we hope we will have 100% of our staff having either their first, or both injections, within two months. That will allow us to move from Type B to Type C. Members should note that for Type C, it will also be mandatory for all members and guests, between the ages of 16 to 65 years old, to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” QR code with their mobile phone when checking in. We would no longer be able to accept paper registrations.
Our goal is to eventually reach Type D, which would allow us to open for longer, seat even larger groups and, perhaps most importantly, resume functions of up to 100 people under some conditions and thus begin generating revenue again from hosting events – a critical step in being able to reduce our current financial deficits. Type D needs all staff to be fully vaccinated and all members and guests to have had at least a first jab, in addition everyone using the “LeaveHomeSafe” app to enter the Club.
To this end, we’d like to understand how members feel about Covid-19 vaccinations and their plans for getting inoculated, so that we can better understand the potential demand for increasing capacity as explained above.
The survey is anonymous and literally takes seconds to complete.
I thank you in advance for participating. The link to the online survey can be found here.
Keith Richburg
Enclosure: Restaurants ‘vaccine bubble’ arrangement

FCC Election and AGM Reminders

FCC Election and AGM Reminders
Dear FCC Members:
Please remember to vote in the upcoming election for the Board of Governors. Polling closes on May 20 at 3 p.m. A ballot has been sent to the address you have listed. If your address has changed — if, for instance, you are working from home and your ballot is usually sent to your work address — please let the front office know at [email protected]
Ballots can be returned to the FCC via mail, courier or in person. If you are having trouble returning your ballot please let the front office know.
There are competitive races in all governor categories, so your vote is important. You can review the board of governors’ ballot and policy statements on the FCC website.
It’s also important to return your proxy voting form if you will be unable to attend the club’s annual general meeting, to be held on Tuesday May 25 at 6 p.m. The proxy form allows you to designate the chair of the AGM to vote on your behalf or to designate a member attending the AGM to vote in your place. (Download proxy form)
Thank you and remember to vote and turn in your proxies.
11 May 2021
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