Members Area Logout

FCC Minimum Spend

Dear Members:

Whilst the FCC has continued to operate despite the COVID-19 related restrictions, the Board is aware that some members have not been able to fully utilise their membership in recent months. In consideration of this, it has been agreed that the minimum spend requirement which would normally be charged to members at the end of March will be rolled over for three months and will now appear on members’ June accounts. The facility to purchase vouchers for later use will also continue to be available. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all members for their continued support of the FCC.

15 March 2021

The FCC Marks International Women’s Day

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong is marking International Women’s Day, offering events all month long to honour this year’s theme — announced by the United Nations — of “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world.”

We’re kicking off with back-to-back talks on March 8 and 9 about women covering war in the Philippines and Vietnam, shattering stereotypes and overcoming cultural barriers in their wake.

And throughout Monday, we’ll be toasting to our vibrant female members with special drinks and canapes.

For the rest of March, hear from more female newsmakers and experts about pressing issues around the world, including where the #MeToo movement stands and how to handle pandemic misinformation. We’ll be updating our speakers’ series page as more guests are confirmed:

Through outreach activities, the club also seeks to empower women across all sectors of society. In January, we hosted a personal finance workshop for Hong Kong’s migrant domestic workers, who are facing unprecedented pressures during the pandemic.

Beyond events, the FCC is mentoring promising female journalists through the Claire Hollingworth fellowship, which is now in its second year. Hollingworth, who was a club member for 40 years, led a trailblazing war-correspondent career that took her to Europe, North Africa and Asia. She is best known for the scoop of the century, breaking the story of Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939 while working for the Daily Telegraph.

2021 HUMAN RIGHTS PRESS AWARDS – Last Call for Entries 二零二一年人權新聞獎即將截止報名

Last Call for Entries
(Scroll down for Chinese version)
The Human Rights Press Awards, Asia’s most prestigious honours that recognise outstanding human rights reporting, have returned for the 25th year. The closing date for entries is next Monday. Apply before 1 February 2021, 11:59PM (HKT).

The Human Rights Press Awards are organised by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Hong Kong, Amnesty International Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Journalists Association.

Showcasing this work has become more important than ever as governments around the region step up threats to basic freedoms, whether it be locking up journalists, carrying out arbitrary detentions or silencing political opponents.

Submissions must have been reported about the Asia region and been published or broadcast during the 2020 calendar year. Entries must be in either English or Chinese. Categories include Breaking News, Feature, Commentary, Multimedia, Video, Audio and Photography. Please go to the website for more details.

Each entry must cite the article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that the work seeks to address. This landmark document sets out the inalienable rights to which every person is entitled. The full text is available here:

Entry registration at:

For further information of the awards, please visit:

And follow us on:

For queries, please contact the awards administrator:
Cintia Huen
The Chinese University of Hong Kong – School of Journalism and Communication
Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 3943 8705

亞洲矚目的新聞界盛事、二零二一年人權新聞獎下星期一截止,誠邀新聞工作者把 握最後機會參與,截止時間為2021 年2 月1 日,下午11 時59 分(香港時間)。

人權新聞獎由香港外國記者會、國際特赦組織香港分會及香港記者協會合辦,以表 彰亞洲區的卓越人權新聞報道,今年已是第二十五屆。獎項旨在增加公眾對人類基 本權利尊重,並令大眾關注任何對這些權利之威脅。

近年區內多個政府對基本人權自由之侵害變本加厲,扣留記者、任意拘捕、打壓政 治異己等新聞時有所聞,令舉辦此獎項以表揚人權新聞,更形重要。

參選作品必須為亞洲區的人權議題採訪報道,並於二零二零年內刊出或公開播放。 參賽作品須以中文或英文提交,今屆參賽類別包括:突發新聞、特寫、評論、多媒 體、錄像、電台廣播和錄音及攝影。詳情請瀏覽新聞獎官方網站。

參加者必須註明參選作品與《世界人權宣言》中哪一條人權宣言相關。 《世界人權宣言》全文:




電郵:[email protected]
電話:(852) 3943 8705

Message from our new President Keith Richburg


The FCC Board of Governors on Saturday unanimously elected Keith Richburg to take over as Club President, replacing Jodi Schneider who has taken up a new position with Bloomberg in New York.

Eric Wishart, who was unable to succeed Jodi because of pressing professional commitments, will continue as 1st Vice President.

Keith will fill out the remainder of Jodi’s term which ends when new elections are held and a new Board seated in May.

There is now a vacancy on the Board for a Correspondent Governor, and we invite any Correspondent Members who are interested in serving to contact Keith, Eric or any Board member.

Keith, a former, longtime Washington Post correspondent and foreign editor with a career spanning three decades, was the Post’s Hong Kong Bureau Chief from 1995 to 2000, and later worked for the Post in Beijing and Shanghai. He is currently director of the University of Hong Kong’s Journalism and Media Studies Centre, a regular freelance contributor to various outlets, and a Correspondent Governor for the last two terms. He served as Club President from 1997 to 1998, and also received the highest number of votes in the Correspondent category in the election held last year.

“My earlier term as President started just before the Handover, and I am honoured that 24 years later I have been asked to once again step in and help steer the Club at this important juncture,” he said. “We have a lot on our plate for these coming months, most critically trying to navigate the pandemic, the anti-virus restrictions on our operating hours and live events, and the city’s overall economic downturn. We need to continue the ongoing upkeep and maintenance of this treasured historic building. And of course we must maintain our role as a fierce advocate for press freedom in the face of myriad challenges.”

“We will also be keeping up the high tempo of our professional events with a great line-up of speakers and panels in the works — online, while the restrictions last, and hopefully soon back to in-person events. With so many people stuck here in Hong Kong and unable to travel, we hope our special F & B offerings can bring a small taste of the world to you here at the Club. Our Club magazine, The Correspondent, freshly relaunched by editor Kate Springer, looks terrific — please check out the current issue. And I’m very exciting about the upcoming launch of our new FCC website, which I’m sure you will like too,” he said.

He added, “I also want to make sure the FCC continues to be a place that is open, friendly and welcoming to everyone — members and their guests.”

“I also want to take another opportunity here to thank Jodi for her indefatigable leadership over two terms as President,” he said. “Jodi took over at perhaps the most difficult time imaginable, some two weeks before the start of the largest protest movement seen here in decades, in 2019, and of course last year with the imposition of the new National Security Law. Jodi was exactly the steady hand and level head the Club needed. Let’s keep it going.”


Invite to join the FCC’s Disciplinary Panel

FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place

FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place
Dear Members:
The Hong Kong government is extending its anti-virus restrictions through April 14. As a result, all the recent club measures will remain unchanged as follows:
Four people will be allowed at tables in all outlets and the number of guests per member is now extended to three.
All restaurants will close at 10 p.m. every day. Last orders for food will be 9 p.m. while last orders for drinks will be 9:30 p.m. Any food or drink should not be consumed in areas adjacent to the FCC after 10 p.m.
The takeaway menu is available from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., though last orders must be made by 9 p.m. The menu can be downloaded from our website at Please place orders with the FCC Restaurant at 2844 2806 or [email protected]. Orders will be confirmed by a phone call.
The gym will reopen yet the sauna and steam room remain closed. No more than four people are allowed at a time. Wearing a mask while exercising is required in the gym. Please pre-register with the gym attendant at 2844 2849.
Banqueting will continue except for cocktail parties, and distancing and mask-wearing while not eating or drinking are being enforced. The number of participants per event is limited to 20, with four to a table until 10 p.m. Please contact the banquet team at 2844 2838 or [email protected] to book.
Live performances are suspended.
All outlets are restricted to 50% capacity. Please book ahead.
The workroom is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Be reminded that wearing a mask is required and phone or video meeting is not allowed. Be considerate of others on the volume of phone conversation.
All member and guest are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code displayed at the entrance of the club with their mobile phones, or register the personal details, and date of visit and time at the front desk when checking in.
In keeping with government requirements and best practices, all members, guests and staff must wear face masks except when eating or drinking. Hand sanitizer must be used. The FCC will continue the temperature-taking and declaration measures upon entry to the club, as well as the frequent cleaning protocols throughout the building. Please inform the staff if you are concerned that any of the rules are not being followed.
People who have traveled overseas in the past 21 days are not allowed to visit the club.
Thank you for your continued support of the FCC.
1 April 2021


FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place

FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place
Dear Members:
The Hong Kong government is extending its anti-virus restrictions through March 31. As a result, all the recent club measures will remain unchanged as follows:
Four people will be allowed at tables in all outlets and the number of guests per member is now extended to three.
All restaurants will close at 10 p.m. every day. Last orders for food will be 9 p.m. while last orders for drinks will be 9:30 p.m. Any food or drink should not be consumed in areas adjacent to the FCC after 10 p.m.
The takeaway menu is available from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., though last orders must be made by 9 p.m. The menu can be downloaded from our website at Please place orders with the FCC Restaurant at 2844 2806 or [email protected]. Orders will be confirmed by a phone call.
The gym will reopen yet the sauna and steam room remain closed. No more than four people are allowed at a time. Wearing a mask while exercising is required in the gym. Please pre-register with the gym attendant at 2844 2849.
Banqueting will continue except for cocktail parties, and distancing and mask-wearing while not eating or drinking are being enforced. The number of participants per event is limited to 20, with four to a table until 10 p.m. Please contact the banquet team at 2844 2838 or [email protected] to book.
Live performances are suspended.
All outlets are restricted to 50% capacity. Please book ahead.
The workroom is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Be reminded that wearing a mask is required and phone or video meeting is not allowed.
All member and guest are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code displayed at the entrance of the club with their mobile phones, or register the personal details, and date of visit and time at the front desk when checking in.
In keeping with government requirements and best practices, all members, guests and staff must wear face masks except when eating or drinking. Hand sanitizer must be used. The FCC will continue the temperature-taking and declaration measures upon entry to the club, as well as the frequent cleaning protocols throughout the building. Please inform the staff if you are concerned that any of the rules are not being followed.
People who have traveled overseas in the past 21 days are not allowed to visit the club.
Thank you for your continued support of the FCC.
17 March 2021

FCC Restrictions Remain In Place

FCC Restrictions Remain In Place
Dear Members:
The Hong Kong government is extending its anti-virus restrictions through March 17. As a result, all the recent club measures will remain unchanged as follows:
Four people will be allowed at tables in all outlets and the number of guests per member is now extended to three.
All restaurants will close at 10 p.m. every day. Last orders for food will be 9 p.m. while last orders for drinks will be 9:30 p.m. Any food or drink should not be consumed in areas adjacent to the FCC after 10 p.m.
The takeaway menu is available from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., though last orders must be made by 9 p.m. The menu can be downloaded from our website at Please place orders with the FCC Restaurant at 2844 2806 or [email protected]. Orders will be confirmed by a phone call.
The gym will reopen yet the sauna and steam room remain closed. No more than four people are allowed at a time. Wearing a mask while exercising is no longer required in the gym. Please pre-register with the gym attendant at 2844 2849.
Banqueting will continue except for cocktail parties, and distancing and mask-wearing while not eating or drinking are being enforced. The number of participants per event is limited to 20, with four to a table until 10 p.m. Please contact the banquet team at 2844 2838 or [email protected] to book.
Live performances are suspended.
All outlets are restricted to 50% capacity. Please book ahead.
The workroom is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Be reminded that wearing a mask is required and phone or video meeting is not allowed.
All member and guest are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code displayed at the entrance of the club with their mobile phones, or register the personal details, and date of visit and time at the front desk when checking in.
In keeping with government requirements and best practices, all members, guests and staff must wear face masks except when eating or drinking. Hand sanitizer must be used. The FCC will continue the temperature-taking and declaration measures upon entry to the club, as well as the frequent cleaning protocols throughout the building. Please inform the staff if you are concerned that any of the rules are not being followed.
People who have traveled overseas in the past 21 days are not allowed to visit the club.
Thank you for your continued support of the FCC.
4 March 2021


FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place

FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place
Dear Members:
The Hong Kong government is extending its anti-virus restrictions through March 31. As a result, all the recent club measures will remain unchanged as follows:
Four people will be allowed at tables in all outlets and the number of guests per member is now extended to three.
All restaurants will close at 10 p.m. every day. Last orders for food will be 9 p.m. while last orders for drinks will be 9:30 p.m. Any food or drink should not be consumed in areas adjacent to the FCC after 10 p.m.
The takeaway menu is available from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., though last orders must be made by 9 p.m. The menu can be downloaded from our website at Please place orders with the FCC Restaurant at 2844 2806 or [email protected]. Orders will be confirmed by a phone call.
The gym will reopen yet the sauna and steam room remain closed. No more than four people are allowed at a time. Wearing a mask while exercising is required in the gym. Please pre-register with the gym attendant at 2844 2849.
Banqueting will continue except for cocktail parties, and distancing and mask-wearing while not eating or drinking are being enforced. The number of participants per event is limited to 20, with four to a table until 10 p.m. Please contact the banquet team at 2844 2838 or [email protected] to book.
Live performances are suspended.
All outlets are restricted to 50% capacity. Please book ahead.
The workroom is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Be reminded that wearing a mask is required and phone or video meeting is not allowed.
All member and guest are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code displayed at the entrance of the club with their mobile phones, or register the personal details, and date of visit and time at the front desk when checking in.
In keeping with government requirements and best practices, all members, guests and staff must wear face masks except when eating or drinking. Hand sanitizer must be used. The FCC will continue the temperature-taking and declaration measures upon entry to the club, as well as the frequent cleaning protocols throughout the building. Please inform the staff if you are concerned that any of the rules are not being followed.
People who have traveled overseas in the past 21 days are not allowed to visit the club.
Thank you for your continued support of the FCC.
17 March 2021


FCC Restrictions Further Relaxed

FCC Restrictions Further Relaxed
Dear Members:
Kung Hei Fat Choy!
The Hong Kong government starting Thursday February 18 will further ease its anti-virus restrictions. The club will comply with the new measures as follows:
Four people will be allowed at tables in all outlets and the number of guests per member is now extended to three.
All restaurants will close at 10 p.m. every day. Last orders for food will be 9 p.m. while last orders for drinks will be 9:30 p.m. Any food or drink should not be consumed in areas adjacent to the FCC after 10 p.m.
The takeaway menu is available from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., though last orders must be made by 9 p.m. The menu can be downloaded from our website at Please place orders with the FCC Restaurant at 2844 2806 or [email protected]. Orders will be confirmed by a phone call.
The gym will reopen yet the sauna and steam room remain closed. No more than four people are allowed at a time. Wearing a mask while exercising is no longer required in the gym. Please pre-register with the gym attendant at 2844 2849.
Banqueting will continue except for cocktail parties, and distancing and mask-wearing while not eating or drinking are being enforced. The number of participants per event is limited to 20, with four to a table until 10 p.m. Please contact the banquet team at 2844 2838 or [email protected] to book.
Live performances are suspended.
All outlets are restricted to 50% capacity. Please book ahead.
The workroom is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Be reminded that wearing a mask is required and phone or video meeting is not allowed.
All member and guest are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code displayed at the entrance of the club with their mobile phones, or register the personal details, and date of visit and time at the front desk when checking in.
In keeping with government requirements and best practices, all members, guests and staff must wear face masks except when eating or drinking. Hand sanitizer must be used. The FCC will continue the temperature-taking and declaration measures upon entry to the club, as well as the frequent cleaning protocols throughout the building. Please inform the staff if you are concerned that any of the rules are not being followed.
People who have traveled overseas in the past 21 days are not allowed to visit the club.
Thank you for your continued support of the FCC.
17 February 2021


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