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FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place

FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place
Dear Members:
The Hong Kong government is extending its anti-virus restrictions through April 28. As a result, all the recent club measures will remain unchanged as follows:
Four people will be allowed at tables in all outlets and the number of guests per member is now extended to three.
All restaurants will close at 10 p.m. every day. Last orders for food will be 9 p.m. while last orders for drinks will be 9:30 p.m. Any food or drink should not be consumed in areas adjacent to the FCC after 10 p.m.
The takeaway menu is available from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., though last orders must be made by 9 p.m. The menu can be downloaded from our website at Please place orders with the FCC Restaurant at 2844 2806 or [email protected]. Orders will be confirmed by a phone call.
The gym will reopen yet the sauna and steam room remain closed. No more than four people are allowed at a time. Wearing a mask while exercising is required in the gym. Please pre-register with the gym attendant at 2844 2849.
Banqueting will continue except for cocktail parties, and distancing and mask-wearing while not eating or drinking are being enforced. The number of participants per event is limited to 20, with four to a table until 10 p.m. Please contact the banquet team at 2844 2838 or [email protected] to book.
Live performances are suspended.
All outlets are restricted to 50% capacity. Please book ahead.
The workroom is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Be reminded that wearing a mask is required and phone or video meeting is not allowed. Be considerate of others on the volume of phone conversation.
All member and guest are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code displayed at the entrance of the club with their mobile phones, or register the personal details, and date of visit and time at the front desk when checking in.
In keeping with government requirements and best practices, all members, guests and staff must wear face masks except when eating or drinking. Hand sanitizer must be used. The FCC will continue the temperature-taking and declaration measures upon entry to the club, as well as the frequent cleaning protocols throughout the building. Please inform the staff if you are concerned that any of the rules are not being followed.
People who have traveled overseas in the past 21 days are not allowed to visit the club.
Thank you for your continued support of the FCC.
14 April 2021

2021 Human Rights Press Awards Ceremony Cancelled – Winners to be Announced May 6 | 二零二一年人權新聞獎頒獎禮取消 得獎名單將於5月6日公佈

2021 Human Rights Press Awards Ceremony Cancelled,
Winners to be Announced May 6
(Scroll down for Chinese version)
April 1, 2021Due to continuing uncertainty surrounding the spread of COVID-19 and the Hong Kong government’s advice to limit large gatherings, the organisers of Human Rights Press Awards have decided to cancel the 2021 awards ceremony.

The winners will be announced online on May 6. Voting for the People’s Choice Photography Award will also go ahead online, starting today. Those images will be displayed, as in past years, on the Wall at the FCC.

The Human Rights Press Awards, in their 25th year, are organised by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Hong Kong, Amnesty International Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Journalists Association. The awards are the most prestigious recognition of human rights reporting in Asia.

This year saw a record 549 entries in both English and Chinese languages, up 12.5% from last year. We have received an excellent variety of powerful writing – work that highlights crucial issues facing individuals and communities in what has been an extraordinary year for world news.

It should also be noted that for the first time in the awards’ history, we received a request from the director of broadcasting at RTHK, Hong Kong’s public broadcaster, that RTHK’s entries be withdrawn “in totality” from consideration for the awards, citing a review of its corporate governance including the nomination procedure for the awards. However, because the judging process for the awards is already underway, and because entries can only be withdrawn by the individual who submitted them, we denied the request and have not withdrawn any RTHK entries.

Showcasing these works has become more important than ever as governments around the region step up threats to basic freedoms of the press, speech and expression.

For further information of the awards, please visit:

二零二一年人權新聞獎頒獎禮取消 得獎名單將於5 月6 日公佈
2021 年4 月1 日因應新型冠狀病毒疫情仍存在不確定性,以及香港政府限制人群聚集的活動,人權新聞獎籌委會宣佈,2021 年人權新聞獎頒獎禮將會取消。

得獎名單將於5 月6 日在網上公佈;「一人一票最佳新聞圖片獎」則於今日開放予公眾投票,相關新聞圖片作品將於香港外國記者會展出。


今屆我們共收到549 份中、英文作品,較去年上升12.5%,刷新了歷年紀錄。參賽作品題材廣泛,報道世界各地發生的重大新聞事件,記錄這不平凡的一年。

另外,我們收到香港電台廣播處長通知,指香港電台正進行營運檢討,包括提名節目參與遴選新聞獎項的機制,要求撤回已報名競逐人權新聞獎獎項的所有參賽作品。這是人權新聞獎創辦以來首次收到相關要求。但由於人權新聞獎的評選程序已經展開 ,加上僅接受報名者本人的退賽申請,故此我們拒絕有關要求,未有撤回任何香港電台的參賽作品。



FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place

FCC Restrictions Continue To Remain In Place
Dear Members:
The Hong Kong government is extending its anti-virus restrictions through April 14. As a result, all the recent club measures will remain unchanged as follows:
Four people will be allowed at tables in all outlets and the number of guests per member is now extended to three.
All restaurants will close at 10 p.m. every day. Last orders for food will be 9 p.m. while last orders for drinks will be 9:30 p.m. Any food or drink should not be consumed in areas adjacent to the FCC after 10 p.m.
The takeaway menu is available from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., though last orders must be made by 9 p.m. The menu can be downloaded from our website at Please place orders with the FCC Restaurant at 2844 2806 or [email protected]. Orders will be confirmed by a phone call.
The gym will reopen yet the sauna and steam room remain closed. No more than four people are allowed at a time. Wearing a mask while exercising is required in the gym. Please pre-register with the gym attendant at 2844 2849.
Banqueting will continue except for cocktail parties, and distancing and mask-wearing while not eating or drinking are being enforced. The number of participants per event is limited to 20, with four to a table until 10 p.m. Please contact the banquet team at 2844 2838 or [email protected] to book.
Live performances are suspended.
All outlets are restricted to 50% capacity. Please book ahead.
The workroom is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Be reminded that wearing a mask is required and phone or video meeting is not allowed. Be considerate of others on the volume of phone conversation.
All member and guest are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code displayed at the entrance of the club with their mobile phones, or register the personal details, and date of visit and time at the front desk when checking in.
In keeping with government requirements and best practices, all members, guests and staff must wear face masks except when eating or drinking. Hand sanitizer must be used. The FCC will continue the temperature-taking and declaration measures upon entry to the club, as well as the frequent cleaning protocols throughout the building. Please inform the staff if you are concerned that any of the rules are not being followed.
People who have traveled overseas in the past 21 days are not allowed to visit the club.
Thank you for your continued support of the FCC.
1 April 2021

FCC Nomination for the Board of Governors 2021-2022

AAJA-Asia Training Network

The AAJA-Asia and the Google News Initiative (GNI) have teamed up to provide free training and outreach to journalists in Asia looking to improve their reporting skills and employ the latest digital tools in their news gathering, fact-checking, reporting and storytelling.

FCC Nomination for the Board of Governors 2021-2022

Notice to members re COVID-19

Dear Members:

In light of recent cases in Central, the Club’s priority is to maintain a safe and healthy environment for staff, members and guests. Out of an abundance of caution, we would like to ask that any Member who is living with or has been in close contact with a person issued with a government compulsory testing order, to obtain a Covid test and refrain from using the Club facilities until they have received a negative result. For the latest list of restricted premises, please refer to the Government Gazette at

In keeping with government requirements, all members and guests are required to scan the QR code displayed at the entrance of the club with the “LeaveHomeSafe” app, or to register their personal details at the front desk when checking in.
For more information please contact the Club via email [email protected] or phone 2521 1511.
We would like to thank you for your understanding and support during these special times.

FCC Minimum Spend

Dear Members:

Whilst the FCC has continued to operate despite the COVID-19 related restrictions, the Board is aware that some members have not been able to fully utilise their membership in recent months. In consideration of this, it has been agreed that the minimum spend requirement which would normally be charged to members at the end of March will be rolled over for three months and will now appear on members’ June accounts. The facility to purchase vouchers for later use will also continue to be available. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all members for their continued support of the FCC.

15 March 2021

Notice to members re COVID-19

Notice to members re COVID-19

Dear Members:

In light of recent cases in Central, the Club’s priority is to maintain a safe and healthy environment for staff, members and guests. Out of an abundance of caution, we would like to ask that any Member who is living with or has been in close contact with a person issued with a government compulsory testing order, to obtain a Covid test and refrain from using the Club facilities until they have received a negative result. For the latest list of restricted premises, please refer to the Government Gazette at

In keeping with government requirements, all members and guests are required to scan the QR code displayed at the entrance of the club with the “LeaveHomeSafe” app, or to register their personal details at the front desk when checking in.
For more information please contact the Club via email [email protected] or phone 2521 1511.
We would like to thank you for your understanding and support during these special times.



FCC Minimum Spend

FCC Minimum Spend

Dear Members:

Whilst the FCC has continued to operate despite the COVID-19 related restrictions, the Board is aware that some members have not been able to fully utilise their membership in recent months. In consideration of this, it has been agreed that the minimum spend requirement which would normally be charged to members at the end of March will be rolled over for three months and will now appear on members’ June accounts. The facility to purchase vouchers for later use will also continue to be available. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all members for their continued support of the FCC.

15 March 2021


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