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The power supply enhancement for computer facilities will be carried out on Oct 13, 2018 (this Saturday) from 8:00AM to 9:00AM

Dear Members


The power supply enhancement for computer facilities will be carried out on Oct 13, 2018 (this Saturday) from 8:00AM to 9:00AM, WiFi service for the club, Internet service for the computers in the Lounge and Workroom will be suspended. Thank you for your understanding.

FCC Hong Kong confirms passing of 2nd Vice President Kevin Barry H. Egan

The FCC’s 2nd Vice President, Kevin Egan.

It is with great sadness that the Foreign Correspondents’ Club confirms the unexpected passing of our legendary 2nd Vice President, long-standing Governor and great friend Kevin Egan yesterday.

Kevin had suffered some ill health recently but appeared back to his usual energetic and humorous self; he was working full time on court work in his successful barrister’s practice and on Club matters having recently been elected as 2nd Vice President. So this has come as a great shock to his family, friends and to all of us at the FCC who will greatly miss him.

We would request that the privacy of Kevin’s family and friends be observed at this difficult time. Details of Kevin’s funeral and memorial events will be circulated as soon as they are available. Kevin would no doubt have wanted us to celebrate his life in style and we fully intend to honour those wishes.


June 18, 2018

Minimum Spending Requirement: an Update

Dear fellow members,

Further to the FCC’s announcement on November 1 of the introduction of a HK$300
a month minimum spending requirement in January, members have given us feedback and suggestions that were carefully reviewed during our last Board meeting.

The board of governors has decided that as many members frequently travel, the spending requirement will be levied and collected quarterly (in March, June, September and December). This means for example, if from January through March, you spend HK$800, there will be an additional HK$100 charge to your bill for March.

As mentioned before, you can also meet the minimum spending requirement by buying take-away wine.

On behalf of the board of governors, thank you for your understanding and we look forward to your continued support of the club.

Yours sincerely,

Florence de Changy
FCC President


Update: Introduction of a Minimum Spending Requirement

20 November 2017
Dear fellow members,
Further to the FCC’s announcement on November 1 of the introduction of a HK$300 a month minimum spending requirement in January, members have given us feedback and suggestions that were carefully reviewed during our last Board meeting.

The board of governors has decided that as many members frequently travel, the spending requirement will be levied and collected quarterly (in March, June, September and December). This means for example, if from January through March, you spend HK$800, there will be an additional HK$100 charge to your bill for March.

As mentioned before, you can also meet the minimum spending requirement by buying take-away wine.

On behalf of the board of governors, thank you for your understanding and we look forward to your continued support of the club.

Yours sincerely,
Florence de Changy
FCC President


Typhoon notice and arrangement

A Commemoration Ceremony for Kevin Barry H. Egan

Important Announcement

Dear Fellow Members,

As we start the Year of the Dog, 2018 will be for the FCC a year when we reluctantly bid farewell to our esteemed General Manager, Gilbert ‘Tiger’ Cheng. His retirement in August will mark the end of an era for our club, which he has steered since his appointment as General Manager in 2000.

Gilbert actually started work at the FCC in our previous home, Sutherland House (now CCB Tower) in 1972. His connection to the club’s history is heightened by the fact that he was mentored by legendary bar manager, Papa Liao, who had served in our even older homes in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Fully committed to all of us in that time, including 45 presidents, Gilbert has become the epitome of many things that we love about the club. In his own words: ‘Enjoy, forgive and forget, learn from yourself.’ He also has qualities we all wish we had: an encyclopaedic recall of names, an ability to deal smoothly with the most awkward of situations and the drive that comes from the fourth prong of his personal philosophy: ‘Don’t expect others to help you’, although many members of the club know how they can always expect Gilbert to help them.

Gilbert took over as acting general manager at a difficult time for the FCC, as we were losing members after the 1997 handover. Our membership has almost doubled since. The board is confident that with his assistance, our next general manager will help us meet our future challenges and build on Gilbert’s excellent legacy.

As he prepares to step down this coming summer, coinciding with his next birthday, Gilbert will continue to ensure that our staff are as dedicated as he has always been, and he will work closely with governors and his successor for as seamless a transition as possible.

Gilbert’s long service and importance to the club were previously recognized in 1997, when he was made an honorary life member. That should reassure all of us who can’t imagine the FCC without him.

In the months before his retirement, there will be more opportunities to celebrate and thank Gilbert for his extraordinary contribution to the FCC. In the meantime, we express our deepest gratitude to him for his distinguished service and congratulate him on all he has achieved in his career.

Yours sincerely,

Florence de Changy
FCC President

Election Result for The Board of Governors 2018-19

Music performance schedule change in Bert’s


Dear members,

Bert’s regular live performances have been changed to every Wednesday and Friday from April 1 onwards.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Admin Office


Dining Room – Extension of Opening Hours ON SUNDAYS


Dining Room – Extension of Opening Hours
Dear members,
With effect from 25 February 2018, FCC Dining Room will extend its opening hour on Sundays as follow:
  • Babies and infants, children under 12 are allowed in the Dining Room on Sundays.
  • Bookings for lunch or dinner are advised.
  • Tables will be held for 10 minutes after booking time.
  • 12 persons is the maximum number of people permitted at a table.
  • Dress code will be the same as ground floor Lounge: Casual, which means wearing short, a T-shirt or beach footwear is allowed.
  • For more information about the booking policy and dress code, please visit for further details.
  • Table reservations, please contact our restaurant directly at 2523 7734 or email to [email protected].
FCC Admin Office


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