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AGM Notice

11 April 2018







NOTICE IS hereby GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong will be held at the First Floor, North Block, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong on Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 6:00pm for the following purposes and to vote on proposed new Articles of Association detailed in the special resolution hereby attached:

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 25 May 2017;
  2. Approval of the President’s report;
  3. Approval of the Treasurer’s report;
  4. Approval of the audited financial statement for the year ended 31 March 2018;
  5. Appointing Baker Tilly Hong Kong auditor of the company to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting at a fee to be agreed by the Board;
  6. Amending the Articles of Association Article no. 8. Subject to Article 7, the rights and privileges of Members shall be personal to the Member, they shall not be transferable by his own act or by operation of law and shall cease upon his death or upon his ceasing from any cause to be a Member under the provisions of these Articles, save that the surviving spouse shall, at the discretion of the Board, be permitted to enjoy the rights and privileges that would otherwise attain to an Honorary Member for a period to be decided as a matter of general policy by the board, provided that the surviving spouse confirms they wish to take up this benefit within one year of the member’s passing. At the end of the specified period, these rights and privileges will cease at which point the surviving spouse will be invited to join the Club as a full member in the Journalist, Correspondent or Associate category as appropriate. The entrance fee will be waived but the surviving spouse will be subject to all other rights and conditions pertaining to full membership including the payment of monthly subscriptions;
  7. The inauguration of the new Board of Governors for 2018–2019 as per results of the election.


The meeting is open to ALL MEMBERS of the Club.


Under the Companies Ordinance, a majority of members representing at least 75% of voting rights of total votes cast is needed for the amendments to be ratified.


You are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on your behalf at the AGM. We enclosed a proxy form for your completion. Please make sure your proxy attends the AGM with a completed original proxy form, and identification document, and hands it in to the relevant member of staff 48 hours before the AGM, i.e. by 6:00pm on Tuesday, 22 May 2018.



By order of the Board of Governors,




Florence DE CHANGY




Nominees for the Election of The Board of Governors 2018-2019

a. Please indicate your vote by putting a “✓” in the appropriate bracket. Any mark other than a “✓” shall invalidate this Ballot paper.
b. If vote(s) casted exceed(s) the number allowed in respective capacity, this Ballot paper shall be invalid.
c. Bio & policy statements of the candidates are available here.
d. The completed Ballot paper must be received by the Club, either by mail or in the Ballot box, not later than 3pm on Wednesday, 23 May 2018.


(The position of President can be voted by Correspondent members only)
(Vote for not more than one)
1. Florence DE CHANGY – Le Monde and French National Radio

(The position of First Vice President can be voted by Correspondent members only)
(Vote for not more than one)

2. Victor MALLET – Financial Times

(The position of Second Vice President can be voted by Correspondent, Journalist or Associate members)
(Vote for not more than one)

3. Kevin Barry H. EGAN – Baskerville Chambers
4. Simon PRITCHARD – Gavekal Research

(The position of Correspondent Governor can be voted by Correspondent members only)
(Vote for not more than eight)

5. Enda CURRAN – Bloomberg News
7. Jennifer JETT – The New York Times
8. Richard John MACAULEY – Bloomberg LP
9. Andrew MARSZAL – AFP
10. George RUSSELL – Financial Times
11. Alexandra STEVENSON – The New York Times
12. Sarah STEWART – AFP
13. Daniel TEN KATE

(The position of Journalist Governor can be voted by Correspondent or Journalist members)
(Vote for not more than two)

14. Clifford BUDDLE – SCMP
15. Adam WHITE – Freelance

(The position of Associate Governor can be voted by Correspondent, Journalist or Associate members)
(Vote for not more than four)

16. Genavieve ALEXANDER – Genavieve Co. Ltd
17. Magnus RENFREW – ARTHQ Ltd
18. David Philip ROBERTS – DPR Consultants Ltd
19. Nigel SHARMAN – Clifford Chance
20. Christopher SLAUGHTER
21. Douglas WONG – Bloomberg Intelligence

Ms Anna Healy Fenton has informed the club that she wishes to withdraw her candidacy for the post of correspondent governor in the election to the 2018/19 board of governors. As the ballots for the election had already been printed at the time this notification was received and as reprinting would not allow the ballots to be distributed to members within the schedule required by the articles of association, Ms Healy Fenton’s name remains on the ballot for correspondent governor.


Change of Dining Room’s Opening Hours

Part of the Main Bar & Lounge will be temporary closed


Dear members,

Temporary Closure

Please be informed that part of the below area will be temporary closed for repairing of AC Units and Emergency Lights.

Location: Main Bar & Lounge
Date: March 30 – 31, 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

During the closure period, there will be dust and noise disturbance. Your kind understanding and patience would be much appreciated.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Admin Office


The Correspondent Magazine is looking for an editor

We are looking for an editor for the club’s magazine, The Correspondent.

We are confident that we will find an excellent editor from among the ranks of the club’s freelance journalists.

If you are a freelance editor with solid editorial experience then we are interested in hearing from you.

The Editor will be responsible for:

  • Coming up with ideas for stories
  • Commissioning freelance writers
  • Producing fresh content
  • Editing stories
  • Sourcing images
  • Liaising with the club’s social media editor
  • Working with the production editor
  • Managing a budget

If this is something that interests you and you have a strong editorial background please send a cover letter with your resume to [email protected] or leave it at the front desk to the attention of the Communications Committee.

Please note that beginning with the next issue the magazine will switch from being published every two months to quarterly.

The FCC Journalism Conference returns — Saturday 14 April, 2018


From Rocket Man to the Rohingya
Saturday 14 April 2018

Save the date for the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Hong Kong’s third annual journalism conference.

In a turbulent period for the news industry the conference will feature workshops and discussions led by panels of the region’s leading editors and reporters. Topics will include investigative reporting, women in the newsroom, fake news, challenges to press freedom, how to shoot video, get a book published, deal with traumatic assignments and avoid the pitfalls of stereotype reporting. 

Speakers include reporters and editors from major news organisations such as BuzzFeed, HK01, Agence France-Presse, Associated Press, The New York Times, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Reuters, the Financial Times, Le Monde, Quartz and representatives from Google and Facebook.

Details will be sent out along with booking forms in mid-March.


Chinese New Year 2018 Opening Hours

Festival Season Opening Hours

Florence de Changy announced as new FCC president after Juliana Liu steps down

Florence de Changy has been elected President until the end of this term (May 2018). Florence de Changy has been elected President until the end of this term (May 2018).

Dear Fellow Members,

At last Saturday’s board meeting FCC President Juliana Liu stepped down as her employment with BBC was ceasing on the same day. Her new job does not allow her to keep her “Correspondent” status, a sine qua non to be President of the Club.

The board passed a unanimous motion of thanks to Juliana Liu to acknowledge the tremendous work achieved during her time at the helm of the FCC.

As First Vice-President, in accordance with the Articles of the Club, I stepped in to chair the meeting. I was then elected President until the end of this term (May 2018). Victor Mallet (Financial Times) was elected First Vice-President. And Daniel Ten Kate (Bloomberg) was co-opted to fill the vacant Correspondent seat, as the non-elected correspondent with the highest number of votes at the last elections.

As far as I am concerned, I have  been a Foreign correspondent since I left France in 1991 where I worked for Le Figaro and RFI. I currently report for the French daily Le Monde and RFI (Radio France International). I have been based in Hong Kong since 2007 after Taiwan, Malaysia, New Zealand and Australia.

It is a great honour and a privilege that has abruptly fallen on me. I’ll do my utmost to be up to the tasks and challenges ahead, with the help and support of all the other board members and the wonderful staff of the Club.

Best regards,
Florence de Changy
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