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FCC expresses ‘grave concern’ over attack on journalist at Hong Kong Airport protest

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club expresses grave concern over the attack by protesters on a journalist at Hong Kong International Airport on Tuesday, August 13, 2019.

A reporter from Global Times was assaulted and detained by people protesting at the airport who tied his hands with plastic straps.  

We call on protesters to respect the right under Hong Kong law of journalists, regardless of nationality or news organisation, to cover events free from intimidation or violence.

The FCC has become alarmed by the growing number of reports of violence toward journalists by protesters, including attacks last week on vehicles belonging to TV station TVB.

Attacks on members of the media doing their job are unacceptable, regardless of the allegiance or views of the perpetrators.

We have called on the Hong Kong Police Force to respect the freedom of the press and the right of journalists to cover events, including protests and other police operations, unfettered and free of violence and threats.

Those who have concerns with a news organisation’s coverage can express their views on social media, in comments sections and other forums, but under no circumstances should they harass frontline journalists and block them from doing their job.

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club stands with the Hong Kong Journalists Association, the Hong Kong Photojournalist Association and with freelance and unaffiliated journalists in condemning acts of violence directed at the media and in demanding protesters, the Hong Kong government and the police all respect Hong Kong’s long tradition of press freedom.

The FCC’s open letter to the Hong Kong police commissioner Stephen Lo Wai Chung can be found here.

香港外國記者會對於2019 年8月13日(周二)有傳媒在香港國際機場受到襲擊表示嚴重關注。









FCC letter to Hong Kong Commissioner of Police, Lo Wai Chung, Stephen

Commissioner Lo Wai Chung, Stephen

Commissioner of Police

Police Headquarters

Arsenal Street

Wanchai, HK

Monday, 12 August 2019


An open letter to Hong Kong Commissioner of Police, Stephen Lo Wai-chung

Dear Commissioner Lo,

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong is greatly concerned about the deterioration in relations between the police and media since the onset of the anti-extradition bill protests in June. We are particularly concerned at the escalation of violence at numerous locations across the city over the weekend of August 10 and 11, 2019.

We appreciate the efforts of the police to improve transparency by holding regular press conferences. However, we feel the most pressing issues concern the actions of some frontline officers and their interaction with the media whilst covering protests. Journalists should not interfere with police work and neither should the police deliberately hinder nor prevent journalists from doing their job. With this in mind, we offer the following concrete suggestions for your consideration.

1.          Police officers should refrain from shining lights directly at news photographers and camera operators.

2.          Officers should assume that those at a protest who are wearing jackets and helmets clearly marked “Press”, “記者 etc. are actually journalists and not imposters. The Hong Kong government does not issue an official press card. As such journalists can only produce cards issued by their employer or affiliated organisation.

3.          Police should exercise much greater restraint in the use of tear gas. The victims of excessive tear gas deployment in residential areas include residents, bystanders and journalists covering the demonstrations as well as the protesters themselves. The firing of tear gas rounds inside Kwai Fong MTR Station on Sunday, August 11, 2019, was particularly egregious and posed a serious health risk.

4.          Police officers should, whenever possible, ensure that their ID is visible and present their warrant card on request if needed. We are aware that many officers are concerned at possible doxing attacks, the publishing of personal contact details, but we would remind them that they are public servants who should be held accountable for their actions.

5.          Liaison officers should be embedded in every tactical unit deployed at each protest site. It is important, moreover, that they have the authority to brief the media on tactical operations and to exercise some measure of control over those operations.

6.          Liaison officers should give journalists advance warning of any police action that might endanger those covering the event so that they can move to a safer location.

7.          If journalists are injured, police should ensure that they are provided with swift and unhindered medical attention.

8.          Police officers should respond promptly to any incident in which members of the public and journalists come under attack from organised gangs, and ensure the perpetrators are arrested.

9.          If journalists have a legitimate complaint against particular officers, the liaison officer should ensure those complaints are investigated in an efficient and transparent manner.

10.      If police officers are found to be negligent in their duty, they should be disciplined, and the results of the investigation made public so that the complainant can be satisfied the case was handled properly.

11.      We acknowledge that everyone is working under extremely stressful conditions, but it is important that frontline police officers remain calm and not overreact to provocation from protesters. When talking to the press, they should make requests in a clear, concise manner and not use insulting and obscene language or make threatening gestures.

We welcome any comments you might have on these suggestions, as well as any thoughts you have on the actions that journalists can take to improve relations with the police. We also encourage you to reach out to other press organisations, such as the Hong Kong Journalists Association, and engage in a meaningful dialogue with them.

We extend once again our open invitation to you and your colleagues to discuss these issues at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club either in a public or a more private setting.

This letter will be made public in the hope that a wider cross-section of media professionals and other stakeholders can engage in this important discussion and offer their own insights.

Yours sincerely,




Jodi Schneider

President, on behalf of the Board of Governors and Press Freedom Committee of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong. 






盧局長 台鑒:




1.     警務人員應避免用强光直接照向新聞攝影師。

2.     警方應該假設那些穿著明顯標有“Press”或“記者”背心和頭盔的人是記者,而不是冒名的頂替者。香港政府沒有發行官方記者證的,所以記者只能提供由其雇主或附屬組織發行的證件。

3.     警方在使用催淚時應該更加克制。在居民住宅釋放過多催淚主要受害者是居民,旁觀者,報導示威活動的記者以及抗議人士。在2019812日晚上在葵芳地鐵站內發射催淚彈的舉動尤其過分及構成嚴重的健康損害

4.     警務人員應盡可能確保其身份證明放在顯眼的地方,並在有需要時出示其委任証明。我們理解很多警員都擔心可能會受到攻擊,或個人私穩被發布,但警務人員作爲公職人員需要對自己的行為負責。

5.     每個示威地點部署的每個戰術單位都應該嵌入聯絡警官。他們需要有權向媒體簡報戰術行動,並確保這些戰術行動採取一定程度的剋制。

6.     聯絡警官應向記者提前預警,讓他們能在可能危及他們的警察行動發生前能夠移到一個較安全的地方。

7.     記者受傷時,警方應確保他們獲得迅速及不受阻礙的醫療照顧。

8.     警察應盡快回應任何公眾和記者受到有組織幫派襲擊的事件,並確保肇事者被捕。

9.     如果記者對任何官員作出合法投訴,警方應確保以有效和透明的方式調查這些投訴。

10.   如果發現警察疏忽職守,他們應該受到紀律處分,公開調查結果,以便投訴人能夠對案件得到妥善處理感到滿意。

11.   本會承認每個人都在極度緊張的條件下工作,但重要的是前線警察要保持冷靜,不要對示威者的挑釁做出過度反應。在與媒體交談時,他們應該以清晰,簡潔的方式提出要求,不要使用侮辱性和淫穢語言或做出威脅性的姿勢。






 Jodi Schneider


Statement from the HKJA and HKPPA

The HKJA and HKPPA issued the following statement condemning attacks on journalists in North Point.

Read the statement

HKJA statement on August 5 general strike call

The Hong Kong Journalists Association has issued the following statement regarding the call for a general strike in Hong Kong on Monday, August 5.
Read the statement here.

HKJA and HKPPA issue statement on police violence

The Hong Kong Journalists Association and the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association issued the following statement over the police targeting of journalists after violence at a protest outside Kwai Chung police station on Tuesday, July 30.


Amnesty International Hong Kong


Amnesty International issues statement over rioting charges


Amnesty warns that rioting charges brought against 44 protestors was a “chilling warning” to anyone considering taking part in future protests.



FCC statement expressing grave concern over reports of police violence against journalists in Hong Kong

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club expresses grave concern over multiple eyewitness reports and widely circulating video footage that show police officers engaging in violent acts against journalists during the protest in Kwai Chung on Tuesday night.
The reports and video appear to show a photojournalist being shoved to the ground, reporters being chased by police officers swinging batons and police discharging pepper spray toward reporters and photographers with press identification who were observing and photographing events from a safe distance and who appeared not to be interfering with police operations. At least one journalist reportedly needed hospital treatment after being hit with pepper spray.
These actions by members of the Hong Kong Police Force are unacceptable and constitute a violation of the right under Hong Kong law for journalists to cover protests free of intimidation or violence by authorities.
The repeated and consistent reports of police violence against journalists covering the protests have become too many for the Hong Kong government to ignore. Given this deteriorating situation, the FCC reiterates its demand that the government follow the advice of numerous prominent Hong Kong organizations, along with civic and political leaders, and establish an independent commission of inquiry to investigate all forms of violence and intimidation directed at journalists since the start of the protests in June. We urge that such investigations be thorough and transparent.
The FCC also calls on the Commissioner of Police to publicly address these worrying reports and to clearly state that the HKPF respects freedom of the press and the right of journalists to cover events, including police operations, unfettered and free of violence and threats.
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club stands with the Hong Kong Journalists Association, the Hong Kong Photojournalist Association and with freelance and unaffiliated journalists in condemning acts of violence directed at the media and in demanding the Hong Kong government and police respect Hong Kong’s long tradition of press freedom.

RSF open letter to Carrie Lam

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has published an open letter to Chief Executive Carrie Lam calling on her to take “immediate and proactive action” to protect press freedom in Hong Kong. Here is the full text:

FCC members hold silent protest in wake of violent attacks against journalists in Hong Kong

Members of the FCC held banners declaring ‘Yes to press freedom, no to violence against journalists’ as they staged a silent protest outside the club on July 23. 

The protest was organised after a weekend of anti and pro-government demonstrations that saw violence break out at Yuen Long station, resulting in injuries to dozens of people, including journalists.

Club President Jodi Schneider said: “We held the silent protest for press freedom at the FCC today to make it abundantly clear that we condemn the violence we saw in Hong Kong over the weekend and we want to express solidarity with journalists who were injured. Our message, written on posters in both Chinese and English, is simple and clear: Yes to press freedom, no to violence against journalists.”

She added: “We also are renewing our call for an independent investigation into any violence or intimidation by authorities of journalists since the protests began in June. Hong Kong law allows journalists to cover demonstrations free of intimidation or violence by the police.”

FCC statement condemning violence in Hong Kong including against journalists


FCC statement condemning violence in Hong Kong including against journalists

FCC statement condemning violence in Hong Kong including against journalists
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Hong Kong strongly condemns the latest violence that injured dozens of people, including journalists, and in particular the sickening scenes of mob violence at Yuen Long.
The club expresses solidarity with the journalists who were injured. It calls on the Hong Kong police and authorities to urgently find and bring to justice those who carried out the unprecedented mob attack.

Members will hold a silent protest outside the FCC on Tuesday, July 23, at 9:30 a.m. under the banner “Yes to press freedom, no to violence against journalists.”

Also, FCC board members will be meeting with the Hong Kong Journalists Association to discuss future steps to defend media freedom in Hong Kong.
The FCC expresses its unequivocal support for the right under Hong Kong law of the Hong Kong people to hold peaceful protests and for the right of journalists to cover such demonstrations free of intimidation or violence by authorities.
The FCC renews its call for an independent investigation of all forms of violence and intimidation directed at journalists by police since the start of the protests in June and urges that such investigations be thorough and transparent.

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