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FCC expresses concern over the exclusion of major news organisations from China’s political unveiling

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, is concerned at the unexplained barring of several major international news organisations from the most important political event in China in the last five years.

The BBC, the Financial Times, the Economist, the New York Times and the Guardian were all denied access to the unveiling of the new Politburo Standing Committee in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Photo: AFP The BBC, the Financial Times, the Economist, the New York Times and the Guardian were all denied access to the unveiling of the new Politburo Standing Committee in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Photo: AFP

The BBC, the Financial Times, the Economist, the New York Times and the Guardian were all denied access to the unveiling of the new Politburo Standing Committee in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the morning of October 25.

Chinese government officials did not explain why these particular news organisations were all excluded from the carefully stage-managed event attended by some 2,000 journalists. A statement from the congress media centre said that space was limited on Wednesday and noted that the media concerned had been able to attend previous briefings.

However, it seems almost certain that they were likely barred simply because of their, at times, critical coverage of China and Chinese politics.

As the Foreign Correspondents Club of China noted in a statement yesterday: “Using media access as a tool to punish journalists whose coverage the Chinese authorities disapprove of is a gross violation of the principles of press freedom.”

Restricting media access to key political events is an ominously retrograde step for a country and government that claims to be open and transparent. Moreover, it contrasts sharply with the relatively free and open access given to foreign journalists at Communist Party Congresses in the 1980s and 90s when the country was just re-emerging on the world stage.

If China wants to be seen as responsible leader of the global community it should honour President Xi Jinping’s claim that the country “welcomes objective reporting and constructive suggestions” and allow both domestic and foreign journalists to do their job.

Harassment of journalists in China: reporters covering 19th Party Congress prevented from conducting interviews

Here are the latest reports of harassment against journalists covering events in China, courtesy of our colleagues at the FCC China.

INCIDENT REPORT – submitted October 2017

Jeremy Koh. Photo: Channel News Asia Jeremy Koh. Photo: Channel News Asia

by Jeremy Koh, Channel News Asia

I was in Tonghua speaking with an elderly man in a park when suddenly a few men started surrounding us. Sensing that things were not quite right, the old man left the place first. When I tried to leave, I was stopped by propaganda officials. Shortly after, police came and asked me to go to a police station. There, I was detained for about five hours as they repeatedly asked me what I was doing in town. Finally, they made me sign a statement saying that I spoke with the old man. I was then picked up by the propaganda officials who sent me back to the hotel.

The next morning, when I went down to the lobby at 7am, the propaganda folks were waiting for me, so there was no way I could conduct any other interviews.

I’ve been followed by authorities on several occasions throughout China over the last few months. Was followed by authorities near the North Korean border in Changbai and Ji’an; in Liangjiahe where Xi spent 7 years; in Northeastern China when I tried to speak to retrenched workers, etc. In some places, I was told I was not allowed to conduct interviews in their region without prior permission from the propaganda office.

INCIDENT REPORT – submitted October 2017

From a western media organisation

After the 19th party congress opening, where we had been told by delegates that the “ordinary people” loved Xi Jinping, we wanted to try to consult some of the ordinary people. We went to a nearby shopping district (Xidan) to try to film some street scenes and speak to passers-by, but were immediately stopped by black-uniformed Teqin security guards.

We explained that we were covering the congress, showing both 19th congress accreditation and journalist cards, and were allowed to film from the public street, and speak to anyone who agreed to speak to us, but they told us we were not allowed, claiming the whole Xidan district is under special administrative order (because it is such an important area) and we must apply for permission from their headquarters before we can film anywhere in the district.

There was no violence, but they covered our lens and ordered us to stop.  We argued the case for a while, and were eventually allowed to film a few minutes of footage, but under no circumstances to speak to anyone.  After a few minutes we left and tried again further away, again on a public street.  As we were vox-popping people another security guard approached us, photographed us and the women we were speaking to on his phone, and told them and us to go.

INCIDENT REPORT – submitted July 2017

From a western media organisation

We travelled to Shenyang early on Friday 14th July to cover the death of Liu Xiaobo. As we approached the hospital, we were initially stopped and gestured to move away by two plain clothes men, while another filmed us on a mobile phone.  We kept walking, past another guy also filming us, and then sending photos or video of us by wechat. Closer to the hospital entrance, we were surrounded by at least five men, all in plainclothes, several with earpieces plainly visible.  They put hands over our lenses and shouted at us. Nothing too physical, just close quarters intimidation, shouting and gesturing. We identified ourselves as accredited journalists, showing the blue cards, which were on lanyards around our necks, and explaining we were allowed to film on the street outside the hospital.  A number of others were filming us, and appeared to be sending voice messages via wechat.  We tried to move away from them, but they repositioned around us several times.

…another plain clothes man circled him and kept close watch in the restaurant where he was sitting…

One of our colleagues had stayed on the far side of the road to keep an eye on what was happening – another plain clothes man circled him and kept close watch in the restaurant where he was sitting.

After a while of showing our press cards and explaining calmly that we were entitled to be there, they did back off to an extent and we were able to film for a few minutes, but then another man, also in plain clothes came and flashed his police badge at us, identifying himself as ‘policeman of china’ and demanding to see and photograph our passports, visas, and press cards, which we kept hold of while he did so.  He moved away and we continued filming, and trying to speak to people, but the security guys were still close by so it was very difficult to speak to anyone, and people were clearly reluctant to talk.

We moved back across the road to do a live broadcast, which we did with another apparently plain clothes security guy sitting a couple of metres from us.

Once we had moved away from the hospital area we had no further problems.  When we checked into our hotel there was a young guy of similar profile to the normal security types, who arrived at the same time as us, and sat beside the check-in desk, so likely he was also surveillance, but impossible to say with certainty.

Wechat messages between two of our team that mentioned Liu Xiaobo never arrived.  We tested this a few times after realising what was happening, and found that two of us could send and receive messages mentioning Liu Xiaobo, but the other two couldn’t.

We also had great difficulty getting anyone to speak to us on record about Liu Xiaobo.  A number of people just didn’t reply to messages or pick up the phone, and one told us he had been visited three times already by state security services and could not accept our interview.

INCIDENT REPORT – submitted July 2017

From a western media organisation

After the death of Liu Xiaobo and the disappearance of his widow, Liu Xia, we went to the Beijing compound where she had been living in late July.  There was a barrier to stop cars going in, but no barrier on pedestrian gate so we walked in on foot.  Within ten metres we were stopped by security guards.  One man got in front of me and repeatedly shoved me with his arm against my chest, while radioing his colleagues.  We explained that we were accredited journalists, not causing any trouble, and trying to go to the address of Liu Xia.  Several more men (all wearing black private security uniform) surrounded us, all yelling, putting hands over our camera lens, and pushing me and the cameraman around.  One man grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me hard.

He grabbed my hand so hard, his nail broke the skin on my hand and left a bleeding thumbnail imprint

By this stage we were retreating back out of the compound onto the main road, but attempting to take some last shots from there.  Another man in black t-shirt appeared, apparently even more angrily and tried to grab the small camera I was filming with.

He grabbed my hand so hard, his nail broke the skin on my hand and left a bleeding thumbnail imprint (this was on the public street, not inside the compound).  They continued aggressively jostling and threatening our team until we got back into the car, where one man lunged at the window as we drove away.

As we pulled out we realised a police car was following directly behind, so began trying to secure our footage.  We were followed until we left the area, and drove around for a while before returning to try another entrance to the compound.  This time there were a mixture of plain clothes security personnel (with earpieces), two uniformed officers, and a couple of private security guards.  It was less physical, but they put hands over our lenses, photographed our IDs, and told us to leave, despite being in a public park, and not inside the residential compound.

The residential compound issue is tricky – technically the police and private security say we are in the wrong because we do not have permission from the resident to be filmed, so we do not have permission to be inside the compound, but if the person is under house arrest and being held incommunicado, it is impossible to reach them to gain permission.  This seems to be exploited by security services.


FCC supports HKJA statement on threatening letters to Hong Kong Free Press staff

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, supports the Hong Kong Journalists Association as it calls for the police to thoroughly investigate threatening letters sent to Hong Kong Free Press staff and their family members.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association is appalled at the threat mails received by the Hong Kong Free Press (HKFP) over the weeks. We call on the police to investigate it with its best endeavour. Journalists should be allowed to work without fear.

An excerpt from a letter sent to the family of Hong Kong Free Press editor-in-chief, Tom Grundy. Photo: HKFP An excerpt from a letter sent to the family of Hong Kong Free Press editor-in-chief, Tom Grundy. Photo: HKFP


The intimidation is real not only because the threat to harm but also the delivery of the letters to the home address of two journalists, namely HKFP’s Editor in Chief Tom Grundy and commentator Tim Hamlett as well as that of Mr Grundy’s family in UK.

The letters warned two and their team from “spreading hatred and dividing Hong Kong, China society”.

The one sent to Mr Grundy’s family said: “In politics, when one does not know ones enemies clearly, one could get hurt… I and many people would really regret if something happen to Tom in the next few years.”

These have gone beyond disagreement of a media’s editorial line and should not be tolerated in Hong Kong where press freedom is promised by the Basic Law. We understood the journalists have reported the threats to the police. The authorities should ensure their safety with their best effort.

Hong Kong Journalists Association
4 October 2017

Macau press freedom survey: Journalists cite decline in access to information

SCMP photographer Felix Wong was prevented from entering Macau. Photo: SCMP SCMP photographer Felix Wong was prevented from entering Macau. Photo: SCMP

Press freedom still exists in Macau in spite of a growing trend among authorities to limit access to information, according to a survey of journalists operating in the special administrative region.

While 79.55% of reporters surveyed agreed there was press freedom and 70.45% said they had never been subject to a violation of press freedom rights, a majority said that they had encountered obstacles in accessing sources of information, particularly the judiciary (68.18%). The survey found that 58.82% of respondents described access to the Government as the executive body as ‘difficult’; and 54.55% said the same of access to the group executing governmental policy and providing services to the residents of the MSAR.

The relatively small number (20.45%) who said they had been subject to a violation of press freedom rights detailed incidents including the ‘Case of the Gravesites’, in which one journalist described a refusal of rights to sign notices of political nature; or of Oktoberfest 2015, in which “during the press conference the journalists were instructed to not ask questions that weren’t related to the event, as well as being instructed to ask questions about the brand of beer sponsoring the event”.

The survey, conducted in November 2016 by the Macau Portuguese and English Press Association (AIPIM), comes just weeks after the publication of the 2017 annual World Press Freedom Index in which Reporters Without Borders (RSF) highlighted Thailand, where the media industry is increasingly muzzled by a military government; and Cambodia, where defamation laws have been criminalised to silence dissent.

Since the survey was conducted, Macau has been at the centre of two incidents indicating an erosion of press freedom. In August this year, four journalists – one from HK01, one from South China Morning Post and two from Apple Daily – were trying to cover the clean-up work in Macau after the enclave was heavily hit by the Severe Typhoon Hato. They were denied entry on the grounds that they ‘posed a threat to the stability of the territory’s internal security’.

Shortly afterwards, the AIPIM learned that the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election (CAEAL) had ordered weekly newspaper Plataforma to remove from its online edition an interview with a candidate to the Legislative Assembly elections.

READ MORE: Press freedom plumbs fresh depths in Southeast Asia

The AIPIM survey concluded: “Based on a thorough analysis of this survey, we may conclude that the major problem faced by the journalistic community is precisely access to sources, namely in what concerns information that should be public and is concealed as a result of a system where journalists are forced to request it via the Government Spokesperson mechanism. The area which is conspicuously more problematic is the judiciary.

“The survey allows us to conclude that in their daily work journalists are faced with difficulties in accessing sources of information which allow them to better understand the surrounding environment and obstacles in obtaining answers to questions that loom while performing their duty as journalists.”

HKJA: We’ll monitor Hong Kong media accreditation rules to ensure digital-only outlets treated fairly

Carrie Lam. File photo: InMedia/GovHK. Carrie Lam. File photo: InMedia/GovHK.

The Hong Kong Journalists’ Association (HKJA) welcomed with caution today the decision to lift a ban on digital-only news outlets attending government events and press conferences.

The government’s u-turn comes almost a year after the city’s Ombudsman ruled in favour of allowing digital media outlets to attend such events, and follows intense pressure on the Hong Kong government from local and international media watchdogs.

“We welcome the government’s long overdue decision to lift its bar of digital only media from its press functions. We will monitor the implementation of its accreditation policy to ensure all media are fairly treated. The result of the implementation will decide whether the Association will continue with the judicial review against the government’s online media policy. We call on the government to make corresponding adjustments to its press venues and functions to accommodate the expected increase in journalists,” a spokesperson said.

The FCC issued a statement saying it has long supported the demand by HKJA and all Hong Kong online-only media that they be treated equally to other “traditional” media. “The FCC shares the relief and satisfaction of all online media and salutes the government for this fair decision.”

Tom Grundy, editor-in-chief of digital-only Hong Kong Free Press added: “This long-overdue reform follows years of pressure from local and international press freedom watchdogs, criticism from media groups and NGOs, legal threats and hard work by reporters fighting for equal access rights. The Hong Kong government’s effort to modernise and recognise how voters consume news nowadays is commendable – we hope the new rules will create a fair, level playing field for all media.”

Digital-only outlets will need to apply for registration with the Information Services Department (ISD) and meet the following criteria:

      (i) It can provide proof of regular online news reports in the past three months immediately preceding the application;

     (ii) It has been updating its news platform at least five days a week;

     (iii) It is staffed by at least an editor and a reporter; and

     (iv) It is registered under the Registration of Local Newspapers Ordinance (Cap. 268).

The ISD said it will review the arrangement after six months.

However, IT lawmaker Charles Mok cast doubt on the reliability of the accreditation rules, issuing a statement claiming that requiring digital outlets to register for accreditation under the Registration of Local Newspapers Ordinance was outdated.

The statement said: “Mr Mok’s three remarks on the new arrangement for online media:

1.  According to the four requirements issued by the ISD, online media is obliged to register under the Registration of Local Newspapers Ordinance (Cap. 268). However, certain requirements in the Ordinance have failed to keep up with the Internet development and therefore may pose challenges to online media of smaller scale.
2.  ISD should issue clearer definition on the ‘originality’ of the news content and ‘misconduct’ of the representatives of the online media as stated in the guideline. Appeal mechanism should be established for the evaluation of the criteria to be conducted in an objective manner.
3.  The government should review the requirements stated in the Registration of Local Newspapers Ordinance (Cap. 268) to cater for the mode of operations of online media.
Article 27 of the Basic Law states that Hong Kong people enjoy the freedom of the press and of publication. Mr Mok urges the government to consult online media organisations for feedback, and refer to the practices of LegCo in issuing passes to online media. Restrictions that would hamper freedom of online media should be minimised.”
Mok’s concerns were later echoed by Grundy, who added: “In order to access government press conferences and press releases, we will need to register as a ‘printed newspaper’. We’ll need to submit personal details for the editor/printer/proprietor and deliver daily ‘copies’ of our newspaper to the Chief Executive-appointed Registrar. Anyone reading the related Ordinance can see it is an outdated relic in dire need of an update. I hope this will not be a barrier to our news outlet being properly recognised.”

FCC statement on detention of photojournalists covering Rohingya crisis

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Hong Kong and the Editorial Committee of The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) are deeply concerned about the detention of photojournalist Minzayar Oo and his assistant Hkun Lat, Myanmar citizens who were on assignment in Bangladesh for GEO magazine to cover the Rohingya crisis. We call on Bangladeshi authorities to immediately release both of them.

Minzayar Oo and Hkun Lat were assigned by GEO magazine because of their professionalism and their journalistic integrity. Minzayar Oo is an internationally renowned, award winning photojournalist, whose work is published widely and has been recognised by some of the world’s most important journalism awards.

The pair were detained more than a week ago in Cox’s Bazar, where around 400,000 Rohingya have sought refuge since August from the fresh violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state.

Their lawyer told AFP that they were charged with “false impersonation” and providing “false information” after police accused them of using the cover of tourist visas to enter the country, instead of journalist visas.

Cox’s Bazar police station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Ranjit Kumar Barua said the pair were also “primarily accused of espionage.”

“They were collecting information on the Rohingya for Myanmar,” he said.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said it was unable to get comments regarding the matter from the Cox’s Bazar police immediately. Calls to Ranjit Barua were unanswered, and police did not respond to email promptly.

Cambodia Daily closure: FCC Hong Kong calls on government to drop charges against proprietors

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Hong Kong expresses deep regret over the closure of The Cambodia Daily, which ceased operations on September 4 under government threats of legal action over a tax dispute. The independent newspaper, established in 1993 to provide a foundation of press freedom in an emerging democracy, trained dozens of local journalists and boasts an alumni spread across media outlets around the region and the world. Its demise is a blow to press freedom and diversity.

As the Overseas Press Club of Cambodia has noted, the government calculated a huge tax bill without referring to The Cambodia Daily’s books, and gave no opportunity for the newspaper to appeal or negotiate. Moreover, the Tax Department has reportedly filed criminal charges against its founder and two directors that could see them jailed for six years.

The episode shows how quickly a government can use its powers to silence the press, particularly smaller local independent publications lacking in financial means and international reach.

The FCCHK calls on the Cambodian government to drop any criminal charges against the publishers and seek a fair resolution of the tax dispute with The Cambodia Daily. It also urges the government to refrain from any other actions that undermine press freedom in the country, bearing in mind the benefits that a robust media environment serves in fostering democracy and promoting transparency.

The Cambodia Daily, whose motto was “All the News Without Fear or Favor”, sought to be a voice for the voiceless. Its abrupt closure after a quarter of a century shows that press freedom cannot be taken for granted.

Macau Portuguese and English Press Association statement on order to remove online story from Plataforma

The FCC supports this statement from the Macau Portuguese and English Press Association (AIPIM) criticising the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election (CAEAL) for ordering removal of online content.

The Macau Portuguese and English Press Association (AIPIM) has learned that the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election (CAEAL) has ordered weekly newspaper Plataforma to remove from its online edition an interview with a candidate to the Legislative Assembly elections. The notification quotes the Electoral Law, namely the period during which electoral propaganda is banned, as well as formal instructions issued by CAEAL to internet service providers regarding breaches of the electoral law.

AIPIM deplores this situation, stressing that it is perplexing that news content, such as an interview, can be considered electoral propaganda. In line with what was spelled out in our statement issued on April 20, AIPIM believes that it is crucial that the right to information and press freedom are fully respected – in all instances and at all times, before the election campaign begins –  in accordance with what is enshrined in the Basic Law and the Press Law.

Macau, August 28, 2017

AIPIM Board of Directors


FCC backs HKJA and HKPPA joint statement on barring of Hong Kong journalists from reporting in Macau

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Hong Kong supports this statement from the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association (HKPPA) and the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) over the Macau Government’s denial of entry for four Hong Kong journalists into Macau.

The Hong Kong Press Photographers Association (HKPPA) and the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) express deep regrets over the Macau Government’s denial of entry for four Hong Kong journalists into Macau today. We urge the Macau government to respect press freedom and not to arbitrarily restrict the rights of entry and exit of journalists in Macau.

A man walks past a damaged car in the aftermath of Typhoon Hato in Macau on August 26, 2017. Photo: AFP/DALE DE LA REY A man walks past a damaged car in the aftermath of Typhoon Hato in Macau on August 26, 2017. Photo: AFP/DALE DE LA REY

The four journalists, one from HK01, one from South China Morning Post and two from Apple Daily, were trying to cover the clean-up work in Macau after the enclave was heavily hit by the Severe Typhoon Hato.  On their arrival at Macau, they were refused entry by the immigration officials. Citing the ‘Internal Security Law’, they claimed the four Hong Kong journalists “posed a threat to the stability of the territory’s internal security’.

SCMP photographer Felix Wong was prevented from entering Macau. Photo: SCMP SCMP photographer Felix Wong was prevented from entering Macau. Photo: SCMP

HKJA and HKPPA reiterated that the four journalists were carrying out news reporting duties and had followed proper procedures in entering Macau. They were not trouble-makers. It was unreasonable for the Macau authorities to say they posed a threat to internal security.  A number of Hong Kong journalists had been rejected entry to the Macau in recent years. We have expressed deep regrets over the Macau authority’s arbitrarily restrictive immigration policy.

HKJA and HKPPA urge the Macau government to draw up reasonable entry and exit criteria, and call on the Hong Kong Immigration Department to maintain regular communication with the Macau authorities to ensure the normal entry and exit of travellers who hold Hong Kong travel documents.

HKJA and HKPPA express our deepest condolences to families of victims and all those affected by the severe typhoon.  We wish all those who were injured a speedy recovery.


Overseas Press Club of Cambodia statement on possible shutdown of Cambodia Daily

The OPCC is disturbed by the levelling, by the Cambodian Government, of a huge tax bill on the Cambodia Daily – a newspaper published since 1993.

The $6.3 million bill, calculated by the Tax Department, will force the paper to close if they do not pay by Sept. 4. 

Due process has not been followed:

• The Cambodia Daily has not been allowed an opportunity to appeal or negotiate
• The Tax Department’s correspondence was leaked to government-friendly media which made it difficult for the newspaper’s management to deal with the issue
• The Tax Department calculated the bill in its own audit without referring to the Cambodia Daily’s books that the paper made available.

The Cambodia Daily’s bill is part of an effort by the government to call the country’s media organisations and NGOs to account for back taxes.

The Cambodia Daily has a history of running stories that have angered the government leading many to believe the tax department is being used to target critics ahead of the 2018 general elections.

The Cambodian people have enjoyed a free press for much of Hun Sen’s 32 years as prime minister. Even as neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia were consistently ranked at the bottom of press freedom lists.

The OPCC asks the government of Cambodia to consider this fact carefully and proceed with transparency, fairness and due process.

Furthermore, the Cambodia Daily has employed many journalists – local and foreign – for many years who have built careers and raised families in Cambodia. Their future and livelihoods are now at stake and we urge that be taken into consideration by the relevant officials.

OPCC Board

22 August 2017

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