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FCC New Members’ Testimonials

AGM President’s Report 2024

President’s Report
May 2024
Twelve months ago, I made a pledge to lead with pragmatism. To engage in the issues, to make our substantial voice count, while also securing the long-term future of the FCC.
I believe that this board has delivered on that mission.
In my first message to members as your president, I nailed my colours to the mast, laying out six priorities that I aimed to accomplish this board year. This evening, I will provide an update on what we have achieved, and what remains to be done.
  • First on the list was the resumption of issuing press freedom statements after a prolonged silence. Having put in place new guidelines to codify and formalise the process, this board has delivered on that commitment, issuing nine press freedom statements in the last 12 months, including the FCC’s submission to the Security Bureau on the Consultation Document of Article 23 of the Basic Law. The club also hasn’t shied away from hosting discussions on potentially provocative topics, bringing newsmakers into the FCC to speak with journalists and debate the issues of the day. In the last 12 months, we have hosted talks on the District Council reforms, the National Security Law and Article 23 among others.
  • The second pledge was to secure a new permanent GM, which of course we have accomplished, with the appointment of David Brightling in January. The Board of Governors appointed David after an exhaustive five-month search. Aided by an executive search firm with expertise in clubs, more than 200 candidates were identified for the role, 23 candidates were longlisted and seven shortlisted and interviewed. The competition was strong—a testament to the allure of working at the FCC—but the board was totally aligned that David is the right person to lead the club. In his four months at the FCC, David is already validating that assessment.
  • Third was to build on last year’s training stream for early-career journalists and work towards bringing more young C&J members into the club. In the last year we have hosted six subsidised workshops programmed to appeal to early-career journalists and have hosted two open-house evenings for young journalists. Both initiatives provide a forum for young non-member reporters to walk through our door, ask questions and start to build a relationship with the FCC. Our demographics reflect the progress being made: our average age is declining and our gender balance improving. Still, there is more work to be done on both fronts.
  • Fourth: to bring back the FCC’s Journalism Conference after a five-year hiatus. World-class speakers and more than 130 people attended our conference on May 4. Taking place under the theme ‘Let’s Get to Work’, programming focussed on helping attendees add to their skill sets and learn to master the tools they need to be a journalist in 2024. To demonstrate our commitment to support journalists and facilitate journalism of the highest standard, we made this year’s conference free for all to attend.
  • Fifth: Develop more community outreach initiatives, potentially through the reinstatement of the then-dormant Charity Committee. We did indeed reinstate the Charity Committee. Under the leadership of Morgan Davis, the FCC’s new first vice president, the committee has been busy seeking the opinion of leading voices in Hong Kong’s charitable community to find out where the FCC can do the most good. Look out for the launch of the committee’s inaugural initiative in the coming weeks.
  • My final pledge was to make diversity a priority at FCC speaking events. This board year, we have started to track gender representation at FCC talks. Since we started tracking, 59% of our speakers have been male and 41% female. There is still work to be done to achieve parity, but we have made important progress towards that goal in the last year.
In addition to these six stated priorities, your board of governors has been working tirelessly behind the scenes in service of our club. Some of these endeavours are very visible—the scaffolding currently around this building is a clear testament to the work of the Building Committee and the effort they have put in behind the scenes to secure the right project managers and contractors for the 5.9-million-dollar renovation work to maintain our heritage building and fulfil our duty as tenants ahead of the lease renewal negotiations.
Some are less visible, such as our efforts to tighten our corporate governance in order to minimise our exposure and potential risk to so-called bureaucratic bullying, as well as our work to build channels of communication with relevant government departments. They may be less visible but they are, nonetheless, just as vital to securing the future of the FCC.
We’ve also been working tirelessly in support of our mission as a press club. From filing a written opinion in support of HKJA’s submission as an interested party in the injunction to ban the song Glory to Hong Kong at the very beginning of the board year, to the bold banner we placed on our website for World Press Freedom Day just a few weeks ago, throughout this board year we have been delivering on the FCC’s mission to defend press freedom at home and abroad, to support journalists and to promote and facilitate journalism of the highest standard.
Put simply, in the last 12 months the FCC has got its groove back. As a result we have seen greater participation in committees and club life. Last year, for the first time in our 80-year history we did not have enough candidates running for Correspondent Governor, resulting in an unprecedented by-election. This time around, we just had our healthiest, most contested hustings for years. I believe this is a clear endorsement of the direction the club has been taking and a reflection of the newfound vibrancy and optimism within these historic walls.
In the coming year, my pledge to you today is simple—more of the same. We will build on what we have accomplished and face the challenges ahead with a renewed sense of confidence and clarity.
Let’s not kid ourselves. This coming year will likely bring even greater challenges as Hong Kong’s political landscape continues to shift and the space for independent organisations such as the FCC contracts.
Nevertheless, I remain confident that together, with unity, grit and determination, we can overcome any challenges that arise and that 12 months from now, when we reconvene in this room, I will be able to report that our club, once again, is stronger than ever. Thank you.

Become a Member of the FCC – The World’s Best Press Club

The FCC is a private members’ club and a vibrant community of people interested in a broad range of topics from the news gathering that forms our core, to politics, business, the arts, sports and more. We encourage you to apply before Jan. 21, when our joining fees will increase.

Former LegCo President Jasper Tsang says The Chinese Central Government should speak to Hong Kong Pan-democrats

Former Legislative Council President and veteran pro-Beijing politician Jasper Tsang said he believed many members of the rival pan-democratic camp “satisfy the requirements to be patriotic,” but he said many of them failed to draw a line between themselves and the radicals.

Tsang called for the pan-democrats to reorient themselves and find new roles. He was previously quoted saying one sign of the success of China’s “one country, two systems” governing policy over Hong Kong was whether Beijing resumes dialogue with the pan-democrats.  However he told a luncheon crowd at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Hong Kong on July 7, 2022 that “the timing is not right yet” to open a dialogue because the city was still recovering from the upheaval.

Asked about the 47 opposition candidates arrested for running in a primary election for the since-postponed Legislative Council elections,  Tsang said, “Taking part in the primary election is not illegal. And if you check, not everybody who took part in the primary election has been prosecuted.”

The 47 targeted, Tsang said, “were arrested and may be prosecuted because of suspected offences defined in the new NSL, four very specific offences and very clearly targeted. Either you sort of call for Hong Kong independence to try to break Hong Kong away from China, or you want to subvert the so-called government institutions. And most of them were suspected of having committed this offence.”

“What they told the public was, look, we’re gonna win the majority of the seats in LegCo and after that, we will make the government accede to our political demands,” something which Beijing considered a grave threat, Tsang told the luncheon gathering.

Tsang said people involved in the 2019 extradition bill protests were not conscious of being manipulated by foreign powers, but that many politicians in United States had spoken in support of the protests and said Hong Kong people are fighting for democracy.  He also said protest leaders were received by top U.S. officials in Washington and that American officials had bragged to him about fomenting similar “colour revolutions” in other Asian countries he did not name.

Asked to share information with the audience of any proof of involvement by foreign forces, Tsang replied, “I don’t know. It’s pure logic. Pan-democrats would be angry at them too, if they (the foreign powers) had done nothing.”

Tsang said he regretted many young people engaged in violent acts during the 2019 protests and were now in prison and with arrest records.  He said it will be up to the Correctional Services Department to help integrate those young people back into society.

Tsang also encouraged the FCC to invite Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu to speak at the Club and to take questions.

To watch the whole talk, please visit the FCC’s YouTube channel on


FCC Statement on Arrests and Search Involving Apple Daily

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong is concerned over the arrest of five Apple Daily executives, including its editor-in-chief Ryan Law and deputy chief editor.

According to the Hong Kong police and media reports, the five were detained on suspicion of conspiracy to collude with foreign forces under the National Security Law and were undergoing questioning.

The FCC notes that the Hong Kong police’s search of the Apple Daily premises took place under a warrant “covering the power of searching and seizure of journalistic materials.” Press reports indicate that police searched journalists’ notes and files and accessed their computers.

We are not pronouncing on the legalities of the situation or today’s actions. However the Foreign Correspondents’ Club is concerned that this latest action will serve to intimidate independent media in Hong Kong and will cast a chill over the free press, protected under the Basic Law.

Happy Month’s Day 2021

A test post

This is a post for a test notification

It’s farewell and bon voyage to Correspondent editor, Sue Brattle

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club bids farewell to Sue Brattle, a longtime member and outgoing editor of The Correspondent, as she embarks on a new chapter. Before she leaves Hong Kong, we asked her to reflect on her time helming the magazine.

Q: What first drew you to the position of editor of The Correspondent?

A: I was a reader of the magazine and was ghost-writing a book when I saw the contract advertised. I had flexible working hours, so thought I’d apply for the job – and got it! My thanks to Kate Whitehead and Adam White who interviewed me, and for being so supportive in my first year. I’m sure the new editor, Kate Springer, who has my very best wishes, will equally get terrific support from the current Communications Committee.

Q: What are you proudest of during your time as editor?

A: Definitely the protest issue of October 2019. By then the protests had become part of our landscape in Hong Kong, and I wanted to emphasise the human interest stories behind the media coverage. I approached around 25 members of the media and was bowled over by the response. I asked for personal reflections, as apolitical as possible, and that’s what I got. Some of the 20 or so pieces genuinely moved me, and I think it made for a strong issue of the magazine.

Q: What were the key challenges you faced while in this role?

A: Making the magazine timely, while being quarterly. I always tried to commission early in the three-month cycle, but gave writers and photographers as much leeway with deadlines as possible. I did most of the magazine in the three weeks before going to press, and the cover story and president’s message in the last hour or so. Also, I’d love for the Comms Committee to meet in the evening rather than at lunchtime, so members had more time to chew over ideas instead of needing to rush back to work.

Q: What are some of the most memorable stories you commissioned and worked on with reporters? 

I loved working with the students who wrote for the second protest issue, January 2020, and the coronavirus issue of April 2020. Their care and enthusiasm should be bottled! There are a few stars of the future among them. It was always a pleasure to work with journalists in the club who know Hong Kong inside out and can bring it alive. As every editor knows, there’s nothing like an idea landing in your inbox out of the blue from someone you can trust will deliver it on time. Oh, I also loved the club’s annual Journalism Conference and eventually had a team of reporters covering it.

It was always a pleasure to work with journalists in the club who know Hong Kong inside out and can bring it alive.

Q: What do you plan to do after leaving Hong Kong? 

A: Well, I’m sure you can hear the gods laughing at our plans … what a time to be on the move. Plan A was to go home to the UK, slowly, as an extended holiday. You never know, we may still manage that. Then we’ll sort out our house, which has had tenants for 14 years while we’ve been working abroad, and organise our next adventure. My husband and I launched a travel blog,, 18 months ago, and we’ll work on that wherever we are.

Q: What will you miss about Hong Kong?

A: The list is endless, but I really don’t want to lose the view from our balcony in Discovery Bay. The steady comings and goings of the ferry make me feel all’s well, whatever the reality is! And looking out onto the hills opposite us is definitely good for the soul. I doubt I’ll ever have such a privileged view again.

Sue Brattle is leaving Hong Kong for a move back to the U.K. Sue Brattle is leaving Hong Kong for a move back to the U.K.


Go “On Assignment” and party all night like yesteryear’s correspondents at the 2019 FCC Charity Fundraiser. The evening will include international buffets, drinks, entertainment, live bands and a good dose of nostalgia and fun.

Chris Polanco, Don’t Panic, Sybil Thomas, Crimes Against Pop and DJ Perez will be playing.

Tickets are HK $888 for members and $1,088 for their guests, available at the Front Office or by emailing [email protected].

The fundraiser will benefit Keeping Kids in Kindergarten, a local charity helping the young children of refugees and asylum-seekers in Hong Kong. Read more about them in The Correspondent:

Raffle tickets are now available at the Front Office.

Stay tuned for updates on raffle tickets and an online auction featuring an exciting range of items to bid on.


Wall Exhibition- Looking Back: Hong Kong 1967 Riots

Wall Exhibition
Looking Back: Hong Kong 1967 Riots
Photos Provided Courtesy of
Hong Kong Information Services Department,
SCMP, Hugh Van Es
Venue: Main Bar
Exhibition dates: April 21 – May 14, 2017
Non-members are welcome from 10am-12 noon & 3pm-5:30pm daily.
Please feel free to register at the Concierge before visiting.
The exhibition is located at Main Bar
No entry to anyone aged under 18 years or inappropriately dressed (e.g. no singlets)
Address: North Block, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 2521 1511


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