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Speaker Events
Our FCC Speakers Series is a unique opportunity for our members and their guests to listen, engage and discuss the latest local and international events and trends at the Club. The talks, organized by the Club’s Professional Committee, are hosted in the FCC’s main dining room, usually over lunch and occasionally over breakfast or dinner. The speaker typically gives initial remarks for 20 minutes and then takes questions for 20 minutes. The events are on the record, and videos of them go up on the Club’s website.

Aside from organizing guest speakers, the Professional Committee plans and produces evening documentary screenings, educational workshops, debates, speed-networking opportunities and events that benefit FCC members and provide opportunities for correspondents and journalists to grow professionally. See below for a full list of all club activities.
21 Jul 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Karl Taro GREENFELD Novelist / Journalist Topic: Can journalists make good novelists in the Internet Era? Literature has been filled with great writers who made the transition from journalism to fiction. Yet today there seems to be growing division between journalist and the novelist, as...
11 Jul 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: HU Shuli Editor-in-Chief, Caixin Media Founder & Former Editor-in-Chief, Caijing Magazine Topic: Operating an independent media company in China - How we do it Ms. HU Shuli shared her many challenges in setting up and running a leading media company in China, at an FCC club lunch session...
5 Jul 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Dean KARLAN Professor of Economics, Yale University Topic: Are anti-poverty programmes inevitably toxic? Dean KARLAN examined what works and what fails in the fight against poverty around the world, at an FCC club lunch session on 05 July 2011. Mr. KARLAN is the co-author of a new book, ...
28 Jun 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: John R. SLOSAR Chief Executive, Cathay Pacific Airways Topic: The Third Runway debate: facts and myths Does Hong Kong need a third airport runway? Air traffic is increasing and takeoff and landing slots at busy times are already congested. But Hong Kong is also building a high-speed rail...
21 Jun 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Pavin CHACHAVALPONGPUN Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore Topic: Thailand’s elections : what next ? Thailand will hold its national elections on July 3; this will be the second time after the 2006 military coup. The past 30 months under the Abhisit VEJJAJIVA administ...
20 Jun 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Duncan JEPSON Director and Producer Managing Editor of the Asia Literary Review Topic: “Hope without Future?” - One family’s dream of a better life, One country’s hope for a better future Mr. JEPSON will introduce the documentary (length: 85 minutes, language: English & Nepali) and share...
17 Jun 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: LIM Guan-eng Chief Minister, Malaysia’s Democratic Action Party Topic: Malaysia's Success Story? Malaysia's Democratic Action Party (DAP) and its allies Parti Keadilan Rakyat and Parti Agama SeMalaysia had their best-ever result in the 2008 elections, defeating the ruling Barisan Nasiona...
15 Jun 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Joseph AMON Director of Human Rights Watch’s Health and Human Rights Division Topic: “My children have been poisoned” – China’s pead poisoning public health crisis In China today hundreds of thousands of children suffer from permanent mental and physical disabilities as a result of lead ...
14 Jun 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Michael DUNNE Author & President of Dunne & Company Limited Topic: A Stunning - Yet Ever Fragile - Success: General Motors in China In 2010, the American news program 60 Minutes planned to do a special that looked at why GM managed to thrive in China while the American icon went bankrupt...
9 Jun 2011 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
The World Bank recently published a new report, Global Development Horizons 2011,that looks at the rise of emerging economies, the associated rising use of the Chinese renminbi in trade, and what the world economy is likely to be by the year 2025. The report says that by 2025, six major emerging ...
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