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Speaker Events
Our FCC Speakers Series is a unique opportunity for our members and their guests to listen, engage and discuss the latest local and international events and trends at the Club. The talks, organized by the Club’s Professional Committee, are hosted in the FCC’s main dining room, usually over lunch and occasionally over breakfast or dinner. The speaker typically gives initial remarks for 20 minutes and then takes questions for 20 minutes. The events are on the record, and videos of them go up on the Club’s website.

Aside from organizing guest speakers, the Professional Committee plans and produces evening documentary screenings, educational workshops, debates, speed-networking opportunities and events that benefit FCC members and provide opportunities for correspondents and journalists to grow professionally. See below for a full list of all club activities.
22 Feb 2010 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Michael LITTLEWOOD Faculty Member, University of Auckland Law School Topic: The Hong Kong Tax System: its history, its future and the lessons it holds for the rest of the world Hong Kong’s tax system was designed by a group of businessmen in 1940. Their objective – which they achieved – ...
4 Feb 2010 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speakers: Christina CHAN Student Activist Mirana M. SZETO Spokesperson of the Stop Express Rail Link Alliance Topic: Why is the post-80's generation angry? The “post-80’s” generation has been making headlines recently for their various protests around town. But what is the post-80’s generation? I...
1 Feb 2010 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Thomas ABRAHAM Director, Public Health Communication Programme University of Hong Kong Topic: Inside the Swine Flu pandemic Mr. ABRAHAM spent the last year at the World Health Organization in Geneva, and was head of news in the Director General’s office when the ‘pandemic’ broke out in A...
21 Jan 2010 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Paul MIDLER Author Topic: "Poorly Made in China" Product failures have been making headlines for over two years, prompting many to ask along the way: Why China? Mainland manufacturers have their own quality control staff, and yet importers have felt compelled to send in their own inspect...
20 Jan 2010 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Barry WAIN Author / Writer-in-Residence at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Topic: Mahathir's legacy haunts Malaysia Mr. WAIN feels that six years and two prime ministers after Mahathir MOHAMAD retired, Malaysia is mired in an array of problems bequeathed by the country’s longest...
18 Jan 2010 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Cameron DUECK Journalist / Yachtsman Topic: Voyage of discovery in Canada's Arctic In the summer of 2009, Mr. DUECK led a sailing expedition through the elusive Northwest Passage to see first hand how Canada’s Inuit are coping with climate change. With only four crew and the ticking cloc...
11 Jan 2010 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Dr. Philip S. CARMICHAEL President Haier Asia-Pacific Topic: Can China develop a global brand? Dr. CARMICHAEL will share his experiences and insights into the challenges and obstacles facing Chinese companies in their bid to become global brands. China has evolved into the world’s manufa...
10 Dec 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speakers: Albert HO Chairman, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group Eva PILS Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong Topic: A Sword and A Shield: China’s Human Rights Lawyers Albert HO will talk about the ideas that inspired the authors of this book, published by t...
9 Dec 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speakers: Ronald ARCULLI Chairman of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Topic: Stock Exchanges: Roles and Challenges Ronald ARCULLI finds it refreshing that after years of serving as a platform for capital raising by corporates, it took a global financial and economic crisis to highlight th...
7 Dec 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Carl ROBINSON Correspondent / Author Topic: Mongolia — Land of Amazing Diversity The popular image of Mongolia is a vast and featureless landscape of grassy steppe and sandy deserts sprawled across the top of Asia between China and Russia. But the reality is much more diverse – and invit...
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