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Events Wall Exhibitions
Wall Exhibitions
The Wall, as it is commonly known in the Club, is named after Dutch photojournalist Hubert “Hugh” van Es (1941-2009). Hugh was president of the FCC (1982-1983) and started the FCC Wall Committee which now organizes monthly changing exhibitions on the back wall of the Main Bar. Over the years the Wall has featured many great works by photographers and artists. Exhibition proposals (by members or non-members) can be submitted to the Wall Committee for consideration. The exhibitions are open to members and their guests.
1 Nov 2015 — 30 Nov 2015
1 Oct 2015 — 31 Oct 2015
1 Sep 2015 — 30 Sep 2015
1 Aug 2015 — 31 Aug 2015
LEE FOOK CHEE      FCC EXHIBITION WALL PROJECT TEXT BOOK JACKET PHOTO     Unless two strangers, Lee Fook Chee and Ed Stokes, had crossed paths on The Peak in 2010 the book Lee Fook Chee’s Hong Kong -- and this FCC exhibition – almost certainly would not have appeared. But the chance meeting ...
1 Jul 2015 — 31 Jul 2015
NO ONE SHOULD WORK THIS WAY Preventing the abuse of domestic workers The abuses presented here are only a snapshot from a greater reality. Much has been left out. The domestic workers photographed are young and old, educated and illiterate. Some were abused in their own countries while others ...
1 Mar 2015 — 31 Mar 2015
Vietnam 25 Years From Darkness into Light Catherine Karnow was born and grew up in Hong Kong in the 1960’s. Her father, the acclaimed journalist Stanley Karnow, was the bureau-chief for Time-Life and then foreign correspondent for The Washington Post, and reported frequently from Vietnam. Catheri...
1 Jan 2015 — 31 Jan 2015
1 Dec 2014 — 31 Dec 2014
1 Nov 2014 — 30 Nov 2014
1 Oct 2014 — 31 Oct 2014
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