Club Lunch: China’s Economy: Powerhouse, Menace, or the Next Japan?
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
12:30pm for 12:45pm – lunch
1:15pm – address
1st Floor
Speaker: Arthur R. Kroeber, Head of Research, Gavekal
Editor, China Economic Quarterly
In the last three decades, China has been transformed from an impoverished backwater into the world’s second-biggest economy and largest trading nation. Yet as the recent tumult on global markets shows, China risks destabilizing the world as it makes the hard shift from an investment-driven to a consumer-oriented economy. The headwinds of a rapidly aging population, a battle against rampant corruption and an enormous national debt are slowing the country’s growth. Will China mature into a global economic leader? Will it face a sudden crisis? Or will it stagnate like Japan? Arthur Kroeber, one of the world’s leading commentators on the Chinese economy, will tackle these tough questions.
Arthur R. Kroeber is head of research at Gavekal, a financial-services firm based in Hong Kong. He is the founder of the China-focused Gavekal Dragonomics research service, and the editor of the China Economic Quarterly. He divides his time between Beijing and New York. Before founding Dragonomics in 2002, he spent fifteen years as a financial and economic journalist in China and South Asia. He is a senior non-resident fellow of the Brookings-Tsinghua Center, an adjunct professor at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, and a member of the National Committee on US-China Relations. His book, China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know, was published by Oxford University Press in April, 2016.