Club Lunch: The Age of Creativity: The Importance of Creative Industries and A Creative Education in the Hong Kong Economy
Monday, June 20, 2016
12:30pm for 12:45pm – lunch
1:15pm – address
1st Floor
Speaker: Professor Jonathan Neelands, Warwick University
Joanna Hotung, Founder, KG Group
Professor Jonathan Neelands believes we live in a new creative age where ideas have become the new oil. Creativity is an inexhaustible human resource which is transforming the economy, technology, and society. Globally, the creative industries are expanding and automation, globalisation and the digital revolution will transform the workforce of the future. Professor Neelands is joined by Joanna HoTung to discuss how Hong Kong can maximise the flow of ideas that will become the currency of the future and how the young can be equipped for this world.
Professor Jonathan Neelands Ph.D is a National Teaching Fellow, Professor of Creative Education and Associate Dean for Creativity at the Warwick Business School and Chair of Drama and Theatre Education in the Institute of Education at the University of Warwick. He was a visiting Professor at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (2010-2016), and Honorary Advisor at the Applied Drama and Expressive Arts Education Center at Beijing Normal University.
Joanna Hotung left a successful consultancy career in 1996 to establish KG Group, a leader in children’s arts and English-language education. Through its four brands – Kids Gallery, Star English, Face Promotions and Mills International Preschool – the group has grown to a regional network, providing 10 educational venues in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and Singapore, with more than 65,000 students. In 2014, Joanna was also named AmCham Hong Kong’s 2014 Entrepreneur of the Year.