FCC club lunch with Charles LI
Speaker: Charles LI
Chief Executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Topic: Hong Kong’s role in the internationalization of the renminbi
Controlled internationalization of the renminbi is a landmark experiment. It has become one of the hottest topics in Hong Kong’s finance industry as it is expected to create “transformative” opportunities for the city. Preparation for the internationalization of the Mainland’s currency is a major component of HKEx’s 2010-2012 Strategic Plan. HKEx Chief Executive Charles LI will explain the three critical steps that must be taken to make the renminbi an international currency and will share his views on the issue by addressing some key questions, including:
1. What is the expected development path of internationalizing the renminbi?
2. Why is Hong Kong the best place to establish an offshore renminbi centre?
3. What business opportunities will internationalization of the renminbi bring to the city?
4. What role should the city play?
Mr. LI has nearly 20 years of experience in the financial services sector, including corporate and securities law practices, corporate finance and advisory services in Hong Kong, the Mainland and New York. Before he joined HKEx, Mr. LI was chairman of JP Morgan Chase China. He obtained a BA degree from Xiamen University of China in 1984, a MA degree from the University of Alabama in 1988 and a JD degree from Columbia University School of Law in New York in 1991.