I walk therefore i shoot – a record of hong kong demonstrations
Introduction of the Photographer
Birdy Chu is an artist studied Graphic Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, film & video production and advanced photography in Canada. Birdy has worked as photojournalist, video director and lecturers in design and media.
His works have been shown in film festivals in Japan, Australia, Poland, Holland, Hong Kong and Macau. He later obtained his Master degree in Visual Art Administration at the Hong Kong Baptist University.
He was selected as the finalist of the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 2009 and finalist of the Hong Kong Art Prize 2013. His solo photography exhibition was held in Canada at 2009 & 2013.
I walk therefore I shoot – A record of Hong Kong demonstrations, the first photo album about Hong Kong demonstrations was launched this year. Birdy employs visual images to show his concerns on social development and leaves evidence to this ever changing city.
《我行我攝 – 香港遊行紀錄》攝影集就是由朱迅多年來的作品選成。
email: [email protected]