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FCC Nomination for the Board of Governors 2025–2026

FCC Nomination for the Board of Governors
2025 – 2026
Dear Members,
The FCC Annual Nomination Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9 April 2025 for the purpose of accepting oral nominations for the Board of Governors for the 2025 – 2026 Term.
Under the provisions of the Articles of Association, nominations may also be made in writing.
For those who wish to make a written nomination or nominations, please use the form(s) we are sending to you by mail or you can ask from the office. The written nominations should be delivered to the Club office, either in person or by registered letter, no later than 6pm on Wednesday, 9 April 2025.
Nominations are invited for the following positions:

A President who shall be a Correspondent Member. The nomination must be made and seconded by Correspondent Members.

A First Vice-President who shall be a Correspondent Member. The nomination must  be made and seconded by Correspondent Members.

A Second Vice-President who may be a Journalist Member or an Associate Member. The nominations may be made and seconded by Correspondent Members, Journalist Members or Associate Members.

Eight (8) Correspondent Member Governors who shall be Correspondent Members. The nominations must be made and seconded by Correspondent Members.

Two (2) Journalist Member Governors who shall be Journalist Members. The nominations may be made and seconded by Correspondent Members or Journalist Members.

Four (4) Associate Member Governors who shall be Associate Members. The nominations may be made and seconded by any Voting Member.

A Member being nominated does not mean that he or she is elected a Club Officer. An election by mail ballot will be held subsequently and the mail ballot papers together with a list of candidates accepted will be sent to all Members of the Club one week after the Nomination Meeting.
A candidate for election to the Board of Governors can accept nomination for only one position on the Board of Governors.
By order of the Board of Governors,
Lee Williamson

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