FCC members enjoy links with 100 clubs around the world from Sydney to London and Washington and can use the facilities of these when they visit. These fine clubs provide a “home away from home” for members when traveling and many offer accommodation. The FCC has individual reciprocal arrangements with each club, including many press and correspondents’ clubs, each of which is an independent stand-alone entity. We recommend checking in advance what each club requires for visitors.
Reciprocal Clubs
Country / Region | Club Name | Website |
Australia | Overseas Bankers’ Association of Australia | http://www.obaa.com.au |
Australia | The Kelvin Club | http://www.kelvinclub.com |
Australia | National Press Club of Australia | http://www.npc.org.au |
Australia | Canberra Club | http://www.canberraclub.com.au |
Australia | United Service Club Queensland | http://www.unitedserviceclub.com.au |
Australia | Tattersalls Club | http://www.tattersallsclub.org/ |
Australia | The Launceston Club | http://www.launcestonclub.com.au/ |
Australia | Royal Automobile Club | http://www.raca.com.au |
Austria | Press Club Concordia | http://www.concordia.at |
Canada | Terminal City Club | http://www.tcclub.com |
Canada | Bayview Golf & Country Club | http://www.bayviewclub.com |
Canada | The National Club | http://www.thenationalclub.com |
Canada | Saint James’s Club of Montreal | http://www.stjamesclub.ca |
Canada | Toronto Press and Media Club (No Club House) | |
Canada | The Union Club | http://www.unionclub.ca |
Canada | Winnipeg Press Club | http://www.about.me/winnipegpressclub |
Canada | The London Club | https://www.londonclub.com/ |
China | Ambassy Club | http://www.kitzbuehel.cc/en/ambassy-club-shanghai.html |
China | Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China, Beijing (No Club House) | http://www.fccchina.org |
China | Red Capital Club | |
China | Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China, Shanghai (No Club House) | http://www.shanghaifcc.org |
China | Shanghai International Tennis Centre | http://www.jusshengshanhotel.com/Home1.html |
Denmark | International Press Centre | http://www.ipc.um.dk |
Dubai | Captial Club Dubai | http://www.capitalclubdubai.com |
France | Club de la Presse Strasbourg | http://www.club-presse-strasbourg.com |
France | Press Club De France | http://www.pressclub.fr |
Germany | Frankfurter Presse Club (No Club House) | |
Germany | International Press Club of Munich | http://www.presseclub-muenchen.de |
Germany | Berliner Presse Club (No Club House) | http://www.berliner-presse-club.de |
Holland | International Press Centre Perscentrum Nieuwspoort | http://www.nieuwspoort.nl |
Holland | Nieuwe of Littéraire Sociëteit De Witte | http://www.societeitdewitte.nl/en/home |
Holland | Societeit de Kring | http://www.kring.nl |
India | Golden Swan Country Club | http://www.goldenswan.club |
India | Jaisal Club | http://www.jaisalclub.com |
India | Press Club of India | http://www.pressclubofindia.org |
India | The Bombay Presidency Radio Club Limited | http://www.radioclub.in |
India | Westind Country Club | http://www.wccmanipal.club |
India | Jaipur Club | http://www.jaipurclub.in |
Ireland | Stephen’s Green Club | http://www.stephensgreenclub.ie |
Japan | The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan | http://www.fccj.or.jp |
Japan | Tokyo American Club | http://www.tokyoamericanclub.org/index.php/en/ |
Japan | Kobe Club (under renovation until further notice) | http://www.kobeclub.org |
Korea | Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club | http://www.sfcc.or.kr |
Korea | Seoul Club | http://www.seoulclub.org |
Luxembourg | House 17 | http://www.house17.lu |
Macau | Clube Militar De Macau | |
Malaysia | The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Malaysia (No Club House) | http://www.fccm.my |
Malaysia | Penang Club | |
Malta | Institute of Maltese Journalists | http://www.igm.org.mt |
Myanmar | The Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Myanmar (No Club House) | |
New Zealand | The Northern Club | http://www.northernclub.co.nz |
New Zealand | National Press Club (No Club House) | http://www.nationalpressclub.org.nz |
Philippines | The Manila Club | http://www.manilaclub.org.ph |
Philippines | Puerto Galera Yacht Club | http://www.pgyc.org |
Philippines | Manila Overseas Press Club (No Club House) | http://www.mopc.tripod.com |
Singapore | Singapore Press Club (No Club House) | http://www.pressclub.org.sg |
Singapore | Aranda Country Club | http://www.arandaclub.org.sg |
Singapore | Ceylon Sports Club | http://www.cscsingapore.org.sg |
Singapore | Foreign Correspondents Association-Singapore (No Club House) | http://www.fcasingapore.com |
Singapore | Hollandse Club | http://www.hollandseclub.org.sg |
Singapore | Singapore Cricket Club | http://www.scc.org.sg |
Singapore | Raffles Marina | http://www.rafflesmarina.com.sg |
South Africa | The Wanderers Club | http://www.wanderersclub.co.za |
South Africa | Durban Club | http://www.durbanclub.co.za |
Spain | Sociedad Bilbaina | http://www.sociedadbilbaina.com |
Spain | Círculo del Liceo | http://www.circulodelliceo.es |
Sri Lanka | The Colombo Swimming Club | http://www.colomboswimmingclub.org |
Switzerland | Geneva Press Club | http://www.pressclub.ch |
Taiwan | American Club Taipei | https://www.americanclub.org.tw/ |
Thailand | The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand | http://www.fccthai.com |
Thailand | The British Club Bangkok | http://www.britishclubbangkok.org/ |
UAE | Dubai Press Club | http://www.dpc.org.ae |
UK | The National Liberal Club | http://www.nlc.org.uk |
UK | Frontline Club | http://www.frontlineclub.com |
UK | Phyllis Court Club | http://www.phylliscourt.co.uk |
UK | The Royal Society of Medicine | http://www.rsm.ac.uk |
UK | The Clifton Club | http://www.thecliftonclub.co.uk |
UK | The Athenaeum | http://www.theathenaeum.org.uk |
UK | The Royal Air Force Club | http://www.rafclub.org.uk |
UK | London Press Club (No Club House) | http://www.londonpressclub.co.uk |
UK | The Cambridge Union Society | https://cus.org/ |
UK | The Union Club | https://www.unionclub.co.uk/ |
USA | The Cosmos Club | http://www.cosmosclub.org |
USA | Press Club of Metropolitant St Louis | http://www.stlpressclub.org |
USA | Overseas Press Club of America (No Club House) | http://www.opcofamerica.org |
USA | Marines’ Memorial Club | https://marinesmemorial.org/ |
USA | Bellevue Club | http://www.bellevueclubhotel.com |
USA | The Explorers Club | http://www.explorers.org |
USA | The Algonquin Club of Boston | http://www.harvardclub.com/algonquin |
USA | Omaha Press Club | http://www.omahapressclub.org |
USA | Summit Club | http://www.summittulsa.com |
USA | The American News Women’s Club | http://www.anwc.org |
USA | International Press Club of Chicago (No Club House) | http://www.ipcc.us |
USA | Harvard Club of Boston | http://www.harvardclub.com |
USA | National Press Club | http://www.press.org |
USA | The Athenaeum | http://athenaeum.caltech.edu |