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Baked herb-crusted salmon fillet with steamed potatoes and vegetables 香草包糠焗三文魚
Beyond Meat Burger 未來肉漢堡
Braised beancurd and fried gluten puffs in clay pot 紅燒山根豆腐煲
Chicken & mushroom pie 雞肉白菌批
Chicken tikka masala (Regular) 馬沙拉雞咖喱
Chicken tikka masala (Small) 馬沙拉雞咖喱 (細)
Chili con carne 墨西哥辣肉醬腰豆
Chinese soup of the day 是日中式例湯
Chocolate brownies 朱古力布朗尼
Cream of tomato with oregano and croutons 鮮茄忌廉湯伴脆包粒
FCC Caesar salad 外國記者會特色凱撒沙律
FCC club sandwich 公司三文治
French onion soup with Gruyère croutons 法式洋蔥湯配芝士脆包粒
Half-pound Australian Angus beef burger 澳洲安格斯漢堡包
Kadhi biryani with Chicken (Regular) 香辣紅花咖喱飯 – 雞肉
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